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That night me and Alex just later on her bunk cuddling. We were so relaxed into eachother until she sat up and stared at me.

"What are we going to do?" She sighed as she turned around to face me?

I sighed. "Honestly I have no idea I want this to be a thing but..." I said sitting up.

"Yeah I know I have to finish school and you will be touring the world. It's just so sad that I found something so wonderful that has basically tore me apart after three months."

" I'm sorry Alex. I'm so fuckimg sorry it has to be this way. I honestly wanted you to stay with me forever but we both are on seperate paths, you are in college about to graduate in two years and I'm in a rock band, it just won't work. I really wish we could do the long distance thing but I can't. It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust myself. I'm not good enough for you Alex, there is someone who is better for you out there and I know it." I said scooting over to her and wrapping her in a huge hug.

"Andy you are the only one who has ever made me feel this way. And sometimes I wish this was just a dream that I could wake up from and just believe that it wasn't meant to be. But I just fucking can't, I can't dream that what we have is t real, I can't just get over it, we were never a thing, but we were pretty damn close. It's the last day of tour and we are in here trying to figure out our life instead of partying like everyone else. I wish we could be normal people who are friends and never shared a feeling like we have. I just wish this was a dream!" She cried into my chest.

All I could do was sit there and comfort her, it's not like anything I could say would make it better because I feel exactly the same. I do wish this was a ducking dream, and I wish I had a day where I didn't feel so strongly about her, but then again if I didn't fell this way about her she probably wouldn't be here right now, yes I love her, but she has became my best friend over the past three months and I will miss that.

After a while she fell aslee across me and slowly I fell asleep to dream.

So guys I am back and I also have a plan for this book. It's not like any book I have read so hopefully this will be good and if you have read a book like this, no I did not copy, I came up with this 100% on my own. Andyways I'm tired this is a shirt update I know the last chapter was longer but this was just quick I think I will just updat every month or twice a month 😊 love you rebels
~Destiny ❤️

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