Amogus Simulator

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red from amogus was chilling in the cafeteria. he had just cracked a cold one with the boys, yellow and blue from hit game Among Us. They were going about their jovial, drunk selves, laughing the hours away and screaming "WE LIKE FORTNITE WE LIKE FORTNITE" as per usual, choosing not to acknowledge anything but the present moment. Then, all of a sudden, the funny drunk hit too hard-- a profound yet plausible realisation had hit them all at once.

"ayo, red? yellow?"
"what HAHAHAHAAH is it blue."
"this isn't real lol"
"wtf u on-- oh wait shit u rite"

blue and yellow were not real. they were figment's of red's imagination and Amogus from hit game 2018 real Among Us wasn't reality. In fact, nothing was real.  Reality did not exist; red himself wasn't even authentic. 
"but wait lol," he began, ready to inquire some deep r/iamverysmart shit that will inevitably progress the story
"what is it"
"if this isn't real than what are we"
"well shit"
"so like is this the afterlife"
"yeah our brains automatically shift to an eternal state of amogus"
"so like where are you getting this knowledge"
"i dunno man it just hit me i kinda just remembered what happened to me"
"how'd you die blue"
"i consumed the among us meal from mcdonalds courtesy of arcade craniacs"
"yo damn maybe we did as well hence why we are all amogus"
"yeah probably"

they sat in silence for a few moments, pondering reality as it was. they wouldn't have expected the truth to have such control of their emotions, seeing as they were fucking drunk at almost four in the morning and they tended not to acknowledge most things for as long as they needed to, but handling the concept of death was far more difficult. soon enough, though, noise filled the room once more

"so like are we just going to vibe here for eternity"
"i mean i don't really mind because you guys are cool but damn my family must miss me"
"yeah same here"
"eh pretty sure you get replaced with a clone if you eat the among us meal because it's not poison or anything it just abducts your soul"
"oh ok"
"wanna hop on fortnite"

so they all hopped on forgnite and plaed for sevral dais strait becaus the were ded and didn hav phisiologcal humoonn neds te end

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