A unwelcomed guest.

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Liam is only three years younger than me, but he already the star of the family. He has a athletic scholarship, because of him being on the varsity team already even though he only a freshman in high school. I could never compete with him. He isn't that smart. But he make it up in basketball. While I'm only average and both sports and academics.

"H-Hannah sweetie I was wondering if you could probably tutor your brother for me. He got a D on his last math test. If he fail another test it could put him at risk of getting put on the bench for the rest of the season. In we don't want that now do we" Her mother looked at her wide eyed almost as if she was begging.

Hannah eyed her mother for sometime then proceed to say "of course mother it would be my pleasure." With the most dismay look on her face.

Of course Hannah really didn't want to tutor her brother. But she knew if she had said no she would of heard a ear full of why she a ungrateful and a awful sister. She hated the fact he got everything he wanted. While if she wanted something she had to work for it.

"I need to go study now Ma so I going to head off to my room."

"Of course sweetie that my little brainiac" Hannah mother smile then went off to start preparing the food.

Man finally I get to rest in my bed after this hectic day. It only Monday as well, I already know it going be a long week.

~The next following day

Oh great the blonde bimbo is back here. Why do I have to sit by this chick. I rather just dig myself a grave and sit in it.

Hannah walk pass the "royalties" on her way to her desk.

" No hello?!" Davin chuckle out his mouth that was cover in lipstick from earlier.

Hannah continued to walk not paying him no attention. As she got closer to her desk she spots Grace gray book bag in her sit.

"Graaacce....Can you please remove your back pack from my chair." Hannah responded with a smile she just muster up. She was already tic off from Davin.

"No Henn-ah go find yourself a new chair. Better yet go find yourself a new desk as while."

I know Hannah wouldn't go snitching to the teacher about me having my book bag on the chair. Mrs.Bales would just respond with " why don't you just take it off". Maybe this will scare this Hannah chick away.

"You the most despicable person ever. You know that." Hannah reach for the book bag only to be stopped by Grace hand slapping her hand away. Hannah wasn't a violent person ,but only after a day Hannah already was feed up with Grace.

"Well too bad if you don't like it move somewhere else"

"Hannah and Grace!!!! If you don't stop this right now you both will be sent to the principal office. I know Hannah you wouldn't want that on your second day now, would you?. And Grace I'm sure the principle is tried of seeing you everyday."

"Yes Mrs.Bales" they both responded back. Hannah was furious with Grace after this whole stunt she pulled. So when Grace turned to face the board Hannah reach down and toss Grace book bag on her desk.

"You happy now" Hannah chimed as she felt like she just won a battle. But she sure as heck didn't win the war.


As the day wrap up ,the last class of the day is 4th period. Which is home Eoc. It isn't a boring class but I have a feeling I not going to be enjoying it anymore.

"Hello class as some of you already know we have a new student. Some of you may of had her yesterday for your 5-8 period or today. So starting today she be working with Grace. Since you don't have a home Eoc buddy."

Of course I will be force to have her sit by me in another class. Grace thought as Mr. Hande continued his announcement.

"I have one more thing left to say, Everyone please turn in the permission slip that was given to you 2 weeks ago."

Fuck I totally forgot to get mines signed.

"Mr. Hande can I have another day to get mines signed it totally slip my mind." Grace asked. This wasn't anything new Grace alway was forgetting something.

"Grace you do this every time, this time you going have to learn your lesson." Mr. Hande responded by with a cold yet sincere smile.

"Excuse Me Mr.Hande I only just came to this school yesterday so may I have a extra day to turn it in."

"Of course it would be silly of me if I didn't let you."

Hannah turned to Grace and smile and kind of giggle. Because she thought it was funny that she got another day while she didn't.

~it 4 pm~
School is finally over I'm so glad. Mr.Hande is alway trying me. Just because I forget things sometimes now ,I can't be allowed a extra day to turn in a permission slip. Now I'm going be stuck in school all day ,instead of going on a field trip.

Where is my sister, she told me she will be picking me up today.


What the hell. Of course it would be her. She could of just drove up to me like a normal person.

"Damn I'm coming so common your horses."
Grace bluntly said

"How my little Gracie Gracie, I haven't seen you since the last time I visited. How home treating ya."

Grace turned to the side to face the passenger window.

"Is my little Gracie ignoring me. You have gotten bigger since the last time I seen you. You need to slow down eating." Susan said with a laugh.

It wasn't funny to Grace. Grace sister Susan always made comments like thoughs. That why she hated when she visited. At one point Grace limited her eating to one meal for months. In the end she it just made her extremely unwell. To the point it was too much energy to even stand.

"Hahah Susan you're so funny." As Grace rolled her eyes at her sister.

"How long will you be staying?"

"Only for 4 months. Maybe in that much time I can get you in shape."

Why she alway have to bring up weight. Even the doctors said I'm not over weight. I only 155 pounds. I really hated when she visited.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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