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Water filled his lungs.

It tossed him about like a child's rag doll, occasionally pausing for breath. He struggled in vain against the pressure, almost overwhelming him. Above him was a light, making the water glisten and shimmer almost magically. A thousand thoughts raced through his head. How did he get here? He was in a dilapidated mansion just a second ago and now he's in what seems to be an ocean? Steve pushed these thoughts aside as he strained with all his might to swim. After what seemed like hours, he broke the surface. He was surrounded by a deep blue abyss, calming swishing and swirling. The climate was... warm to say the least and... there was the Sydney fucking opera house. He was in an ocean, by the SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE.  did he travel halfway across the world in a matter of moments?! His confusion was followed suite by anger. If he hadn't been forced to go there, this wouldn't've happened. He would be at work with Kate and the gaffer like usual. Why did everything bad always happen to him?

~AC12 Offices~
The frantic tapping of keyboards, searching for the DS who vanished into thin air. A sudden shout
"I've got him sir!"
A veil of silence descended upon the room as they all turned to look.
"He's in... Australia."
"Jesus, Mary & the wee donkey! He can't have travelled halfway across the world in a matter of moments fella! Are you sure we're not being hacked?"
Like any normal person, our friendly gaffer thought travelling across the world in a matter of moments was highly unlikely. No, impossible. But here we were, with their best operative, out of action. What could they do?
"Kate, I need you to-"
authors note - yes I know I said I was discontinuing this but I had some free time and couldn't resist. It's not as good as the first part but I hope y'all like it. :)
- author

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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