chapter one

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        It was about 3:00 am as it was still dark and I was on my fathers balcony looking down at his kingdom; gazing at house lights in the distance. My father wished for me to go to edgecam college where all the most powerfully high class creatures go. my dad married a human named Sarah, I was basically like my mom at one point but...then came… a monster, I was a blood sucking demon! its been years since I seen my little sister which i have been searching for her ever since but then my mom thought I should take a long break and let the guards continue to search, but its been long enough and obviously the guards have not found her still. I will never forget that day when i was responsible too look after little victoria  I was the reason she got kidnaped, i turned my back for 5 seconds and like a snap she was gone. I held my little sisters picture close and tears were forming on my face. “ i-im sorry sis i..” was all i said.

   who ever had my little sister after 5 years i’m going to hunt them down!  my mom joined me on the balcony. she touched my shoulder and said “ don't worry we will find her” my mom said softly. “ when mom when?!? another year or two? i cant wait this long i need to find her myself” I said. “ hunny i know….” she got cut off as i start to say “ you know what mom that things will go ok?... no im going to look for her even if it means to kill any unfamiliar face that gets in my way” i stated then looked at victorias picture. My mom sighed and kissed me on the forehead and then hesitated and looked at me. “ you have grown into a wonderful brave young woman viper...I am so proud of you she said” “ and viper its not your fault that she got kidnaped “ she said then she went back inside.

It was about ten minutes after that I went inside too as i got inside I went down to my room which was the basement and i decided to do some research in my weapon room my basement had another door that only I can figure out to open it to enter, well at least only two people no how and thats me and my brother sammi curr.

       As i enter my weapon room you could see so many weapons on the walls and some in glass cases. I am  a blacksmith i make my own weapons and including my brothers  army which he is the  leader of. I went to my box that had some samples of skin and lucky before my sister got taken he accidentally left some of his skin behind. Now i know what you're thinking so you waited for so long to just look at a sample you could have done years ago? well i was going to test it years ago but the thing is my father wouldn't let me go after that person without not knowing what this guy is capable of so i had to train more with my brother sammi to understand more and to have more evidence and i got a lot now.

I took the piece of skin sample and put it on a slide then  i pressed a button that had a magnify glass that gets close to about 1000 mignet close ups. then it got scand  and i figured it out but i was shocked when it read “m-marilyn m-manson?!?” I was frozen then all of a sudden  the flashback started.


***** flashback*****

I was giggling and laughing with brian warner everything was fine until one night after I got home I heard a scream I ran towards the scream and suddenly I saw brian feeding on the girls neck at first I thought he was cheating on me but then when I seen him turn around I seen blood on around his mouth and his t-teeth that were f-fangs. I immediately turned to try to run back home but I ended up in a dead end in an alleyway. I knew i was in trouble; there was creepy fog everywhere then i see his shadow slowly coming out of the fog then him. I Froze in fear.

he started to laugh and said “ so… you found out huh?...haha well.. now that you know my little secret I can now have you as my vampire princess what do you think? hm?” he said getting a little closer. I stood there in shock still then said “ b-brian this isn't you what is happening to you why are you acting like this you're scaring me” i shouted . He just tilted his head then he chuckled darkly and said “But viper this is me ….heh i couldn't have been any better its just i am embracing my darker side is all didnt you want that?..” he said finally getting closer to me. I backed away as he was about to kiss me but i just shook my head he frowned in confusing. “ NO!.... leave me alone i am not a super natal been i love being human” I said. “ dont you want to be like your father or your sister or your brother? come with me and we can live an eternal night to live forever! he suggested giving me his hand but i refused and shook my head and repeated the same thing “No!” I started trying to get away but he stopped me and  pinned me down to the ground and bite my neck but not all the way considering he heard my guards coming so he grunted and disappeared; I was unconscious.

the guards found me and immediately picked me up to bring me back home . They were doing research and tests on what happened to me sammi did most of the work cause he is good with technology then the results were in. I was now half vampire half human.

******* End of flashback*****


I clenched my sword tighter and tighter getting angry at what HE had done so I grabbed my bag and belt to so that I can put some weapons in them. I grabbed a cross necklace which I know it should have burned me but it didn't because obviously I am still human and because I believe of a higher power that exists somewhere in this world. I then knocked on sammi’s door. Sammi finally opened the door and saw me with my weapons and said “you going hunting in the early afternoon?” he asked I didn't have time for his questions and said “ something like that, look i need one of your madeleines something that would help me to track down a vampire and the location “

I said to him. the sammi had wide eyes and then said “ no no no wait you're not going to go for a look out again are you, Viper we have guards still looking for her themselves you shouldn't be going!” he said. I rolled my eyes then got angry “ I AM GOING TO FIND HER AND THATS FINAL!.. now I am going to ask one more time may I please have the madaline i said trying to stay calm. At that moment my brother knew how serious I was and was kind of scared of my  raging side so he gave you one and then  right before I was going to leave he said “ viper…. please be careful” he said in a worry tone. I hesitated for a bit then looked back and said “ don't worry I will” I said without an expression on my face.

I then walked out the door and walked for about an hour to one of my closest friends house, Blades house. Blade was a lizard hybrid and half human himself, he owned about thirty horses. I knocked on his door and he came out without hesitation. “v-viper uh what brings you to the…” i cut him off and said “ sorry blade no time to explain. Look I need  a favor to ask you would you lend me one of your strongest horses that you got?” i asked. He gave me a cerious look and said “ well… um sure what for?” he asked still being his curious self. I sighed and said “ i know who took my sister…..and i'm going to find him and find my sister so i can take her back” i Explained. He nodded slowly “ ah well ok then … you can take black storm” he shrugged.            “ w-what! you want me to take Black storm blade he is like your best friend are you sure you want to risk him?” i asked. He smiled slightly with a small chuckle and said “ viper… its ok …. I trust you he said hugging me. Then i sighed and said “ well ok thanks blade i owe you one i said putting my bag around the horse and attaching the saddle on storm. “ i’ll take good care of him blade don't worry” i said as me and black storm ride of in the distance.

It was abit  dark out later on and I headed towards the death valley plains. I had to stop for water for my horse I don't drink water in general not because i am a vampire. After my horse was done drinking the water we kept moving. We traveled up and down areas 13 hours have past and it was beginning to be almost sunrise and i was about to pass out but lucky i saw a house not to long to walk from where i was. I finally reached their and knocked on the door wondering if anyone was home. A teenager age as me opened the door. She had  blond hair she had a black tank top on with  a black leather jeans on. “ um hello? who are you ? and why you hear? she asked. “ i was wondering if you knew a guy named Brian warner?” i asked out of breath. “ he now goes by the name Marilyn Manson “ i restated the name. She looked at me in surprise and gulped at the name. “uh um...n-no not around here nope nah she said smiling nervously but i can obviously tell she knows exactly who i am talking about. Before she could close the door in my face i put my foot in be tween the door and where it would close she saw and frowned a bit. “look miss i know you know something about him and if you dont tell me i may never see my little sister again and if i don't see her again then we are going to have some problems what's your name by the way ” i explained to her as i glared abit crossing my arms.

She hesitated and then sighed “ i-im sorry but i cant…..but i can show you where he lives if you like me to come along… i had some bad experience with him myself and kind a frankly he intimidates me a lot” she said shrugging.. I sigh and nodded “ sure come on then you can ride on my horse with me “ i said getting on black storm. She shook her head and said “no thanks i got this” she said using her levitating powers that blow my mind ‘ wow she has powers?... i thought she was just a regular human hmmm… this girl is interesting’ i said in my head. I shook the thought off. “ by the way my name is angel what about you?” she asked me. “viper” i stated then she led me to follow her.

Daughters of darkness (book one of series one) By faith springenWhere stories live. Discover now