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Hello, this is literally just me trying to be creative, enjoy

Oh and just to let you know, the pacing is terrible

Tick Tock...

Tick Tock...

Tick Tock...


Clocks were kinda annoying. Sure one could have a sort of soothing effect, but Bdubs was fairly sure that having nearly all the walls of the house covered in clocks was a bit too much.

He knew why the clocks were important. He knew that when he had his own house he'd need just as many clocks. But sometimes they were just down right annoying.

Then again one day he'd be carrying a clock around everywhere he goes. Bdubs constantly wonders just we he'll get that clock. Soon he hoped. He was old enough. Now longer child. So it wouldn't be dangerous to give him one.

But alas that was not his decision to make.

Bdubs continued to walk down the long hallways. Sometimes he thinks that having a big house (especially if it's mostly filled with clocks) isn't has fun as it sounds on paper. All Bdubs is trying to do is get to his room.

"Bdubs," his mother called, poking her head out into the hallway, she had a slight smile on her face "Can you come here please?"

Bdubs turns to look at his mother, "Um, okay," he says awkwardly as he walks over.

The room he enters is one of the lounges. Couches, a table in the center, bookshelves, you know. This particular room has a very Victorian vibe to it.

His mother goes to sit back down, next to his father. Bdubs notices, to his delight, a shiny, golden clock, that he's never seen before sitting in his father's hand.

He goes to sit down on the couch across from them. He eyes the clock and before he can say anything his father notices him looking at it.

His father sighs before he speaks, "Yes, you're getting a clock."

"But before we give it to you, we need to go over some ground rules," his mother says.

"Tells use before you use it."

"No world hopping, not yet at least."

"Don't time travel to place where you exist, we don't need weird stuff happening."

"Don't stay to long in-between world and times."

"Take breaks before using it again."

"And most importantly."

"Don't lose it while somewhere else."

Bdubs sat there for a good minute soaking in the rules they threw at him before he slowly nodded his head. He could do all that.

His father handed Bdubs the clock, which was now wrapped in a red handkerchief and matched the headband his loved wearing. Bdubs carefully took it and unwrapped it.

It was a simple clock. One covered completely in gold, whether it was real or not was unknown. There was a chain I'm which he could wrap it around his wrist and hold it in his hand. It also vaguely reminded him of some of the grandfather clocks that littered the house.

Bdubs meant to say thank you, but he kinda just say there staring at it. He finally got a clock. One that he could use to time travel and world hop.

"So, can I use it?"

"Fine," his father said, looking ever so slightly disappointed.

But Bdubs didn't care as he every so gently put the chain around his wrist. Really there was no reason to be this carful, but could you blame him? He finally would be able to do what his bloodline allowed him to do. Time travel.

Bdubs smiled before walking off to go to his room. He admired to clock a bit more. It wasn't a Pocket or a stopwatch so it didn't have a covering. It was just gold surrounding the glass cover that showed the time.

He was so busy admiring it he nearly walked into the door.


Bdubs stared at the clock next to his bed.

Master of Sleep

Sure. Call the person who liked to time travel and world hop in their sleep, the master of it.

With a sigh Bdubs sits up and, grabs the clock. He remembered how he just world hopped into this server. He didn't even mean to, it just happened.

No mattered how hard he tried or what clocks he used, he couldn't get back home. Not that he hated it here, but sometimes, very rarely, he wanted to go back home.

With another sigh he laid back down, he'll try one more time.





Bdubs opened his eyes. He was standing? He was in a forest, on a hill. He patted himself down, no clock. He had no clock. Which meant he couldn't go back home. He turned to look around some more and nearly jumped out of his skin.

Cleo was standing right there. She looked the same except for a little glowing green heart the was on her shirt.

Oh boy.


Bdubs held his bow as he stood at the top of the crastle, glaring down at Grian and Scar.

He had quickly learned the rules of this world. Three lives, green, yellow, and red. Red lived killed people. They lived in a small area and conflict quickly broke out. Oh and also Impulse was here. He seemed like the impulse from his world, but Bdubs couldn't quite tell.

Then Scar pulled out a clock.

And when Bdubs saw that clock he knew he needed to get it. He could possibly go home, as long as he slept again. He jumped down the crastle, into the water, and took the clock from Scar's hand.

And when Grian said they should kill Impulse, Bdubs did it. He didn't care. Well he did, seeing the anger and fear in him eyes as he killed him. For a second Bdubs wonders if he'd see Impulse back at Hermitcraft. Who knows. Demons were weird.

But of course, the universe decided to prevent Bdubs from sleeping and going back. As it had done so many other times.

His eyes widened as he saw Scar bringing the sword down. Killing him.

He seemed to float in the void of a bit. The universe not knowing where to put him. Then he woke up with a start. It was like a bad dream.

Looking out the window he saw the nothing much had changed. It was morning, and perhaps the next day. Bdubs sat up looking at the clock he held in his hand.

Scar's clock had looked like this one.

So this one was more character building than backstory

Also I wrote most of this during school.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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