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Chapter 6

"They must have had someone up there." I looked up seeing Mason and Liam. "I mean, that's the only logical explanation."

"Yeah. How do you know?" I asked walking up the stairs.

"Logic. And Corey has a hunch." Liam gave Mason a look, I furred my brows. "What?"

"Is that a chameleon thing?" He scoffed, "I thought all they could do was disappear."

"Corey just wants to help."

"Yeah, where was he when we were fighting a nine-foot werewolf to save you? And why was he loyal to Theo for so long?"

"Hey, there was a time where we all trusted Theo, including you," I told him.

"I'll trust him when he does something trustworthy. Unlike right now, when I can hear his heart racing from across the room." I turned around as Corey popped out.

"What about Hayden? You forgave her, no problem." He has a point.

"She almost died that night trying to stop Sebastien. All you did was hide."

"What was I supposed to do? You and Hayden have claws and fangs." Another point.

"Liam, look, it's not like chameleons are the apex predator of the animal kingdom. All Corey can do is disappear."

"Then maybe that's what he should do." Before he could walk away I grabbed his arm.

"All Erza could do was create a shield, Liam. What makes you trust her then Corey?"

"She created a shield to protect us, what does Corey turning invisible do to us?"

"Helps us see them, Liam. They took Erza and Stiles. Corey is the only way I can get her back."

"What?" We looked at each other than Mason. "Who's Erza?" I and Liam backed down, looking at each other.

"I don't know.." Liam turned around walking out of the library.

"Me either... give him time Corey."

"How is he supposed to trust you if you're hiding in the walls?" I looked at Mason then Corey.

"I already told you. Your friends aren't my friends. Why can't you just accept that?"

"That might work for you guys, but that doesn't work for me." I looked at the two.

"Hey, no fighting, please? You're my friend, and I'm Mason's. Look, Liam is just an ass with anger issues, give him time." I patted his shoulder before walking off.

"Where are you going?"

"A place to remember." I looked down and walked, hoping it'll take me to the place I need to go.


"Brett? What are you doing home?" I looked up at Lori, my house?

"Ughhhh!" I groaned walking inside.


"Do you know an Erza?" She was about to answer, "Never mind, you don't." I ran up to my room, opening my door, Erza.. you can't just disappear, something has to be left behind. I looked around my room before laying on my bed, why can't I remember you, love... My sister came in sitting on the end of my bed.

"I think I remember an Erza." I quickly sat up. "It was the night the beast attacked the high school. I remember someone being in that locker room with us. It was a girl, and... I think you guys were dating."

"I went to Beacon Hills school this morning and I was sure I was supposed to meet someone. But I couldn't remember who it was supposed to be. I have been looking for her all day. All I know is, I love her."

"Then maybe, she's worth not giving upon. Maybe Scott knows something or Argent."

"Argent." I got out of my bed kissing my sister's head. "Thank you, I'll be right back." I ran out of my house and down the street, curse me for leaving my car. I stopped running as my phone rang. "Uh, hello?"

"Hey, it's Scott, can you meet us at the animal clinic?" I looked in the direction of the Argents then the clinic.


"We're trying to see if Lydia remembers someone, didn't you ask about an Erza?"

"I'm on my way."


"Now she just magically writes down all the answers?" I asked making Lydia give me a look.

"It's not quite that simple. It never is."

"In automatic writing, the hand moves outside of any conscious awareness. Now hopefully the silence, the darkness, and the light will allow you to find a more comfortable, relaxed, trance-like state." We all stayed silent as Deaton spoke. "Lydia, I want you to stare into the light. And let go of all thought. I have to warn you. We may not be able to access these memories."

"Why not?"

"The legend has always been that the Wild Hunt takes people. But if what you're telling me is right, the truth is much worse. They erase people from reality."

"How do we remember someone who has been completely erased from our minds?" Scott asked before Lydia began to scribble.

"Maybe he hasn't been."

"Oh, is she... Should we stop her?" Deaton looked down at the paper.

"Lydia? Lydia? Slow down." She dropped the pen going into a trance-like state.

"Is she okay? Lydia?" I grabbed the paper, Erza.

"Who's Erza?"

"That's not all she wrote." I looked at Erza's name written over and over again, spelling...

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Scott looked at me curiously.


"You asked me this morning, who Erza was, then you said-"

"Stiles.. yeah, I-I don't remember them.."

"So we're missing two people?" I looked at Malia.

"Seems like it. My sister said she remembers the idea of her, just nothing big. Just that she was there the night the Beast attacked the high school." I looked down at my hand. "I need to speak to Argent, do you guys mind if I-"

"Go." I walked away looking down as I walked. "Wait, Brett." I turned around looking at Scott. "We'll get them back, there was to be away."

"Yeah, maybe, or maybe she-" No I can't think like that. "We'll find something." Scott nodded his head walking back into the building. If I want to see her again, I need to think positive, I will bring you, home love, even if I die trying, you're coming home, to me. To Scott, to everyone. To your dad. I'm going to find you.

In my heart - Brett Talbot {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now