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(Y/N)'s pov;

I slowly turned around and saw a very muscular guy who was smirking at me. The only I thought was- RUN.

I dashed out in the opposite direction, leaving him. My legs are weak but I ran as if it was the last day of my entire life. I then heard footsteps behind me, that means he's running right behind me. 

I closed my eyes and just ran. I didn't care if I would sprain my ankle or anything related. I was too stressed to even think about it what I'm doing. 

But then I fell to the ground, and I realized that someone is standing in front of me. I opened my eyes and-

??; "Where are you going, puppy? Didn't daddy tell you to stay at home?"

"D-daddy? Wha- are you kidding me?! Who the fuck are you?!"

As I was still on the ground, he crouched down and we were face to face as he spoke:-

??; "Let me clear things up for you, puppy. I'm the boss here and you belong to me. I can do whatever I want with you."

He smirked, that disgusting smirk was just making me angrier every second. My anger couldn't stay any longer in my body so I stood up. He did the same along with the disgusting smirk on his face.

I slapped him with all my might, on his face. He was shocked but I was proud that I did that, I didn't regret it. 

??; "You... BITCH!"

He raised his hand, his eyes were filled with anger- not like mine from before. He slapped me on my jaw, it was so hard that it made me stumble back and fell on the ground once again. 

My eyes started getting watery and my vision was blurry. I had a taste of metal and I knew it was blood. 

??; "Michael, lock her in her room and have a sharp eye on her. She's a bit tricky.."

They guy who was watching us from the side started to approach me. 

Michael; "Let's go, princess. We have many plans for today."

He crouched down and put my arm around his neck, he then lifted me bridal style in his arms. The guy who had hit me seemed... jealous? He looked at Michael and raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. 

Michael carried me back in the house- more like mansion and it was big and beautiful. 

??; "Hey, Michael, have you seen my pants. I'm heading to the mountains with Corey tonight. 

The guy was in boxers and he didn't even care if I was here. And Michael seemed embarrassed so he turned my head and I buried it in his chest, not wanting to see the scene.  

Michael; "Vallyk, bro. You can't be going around and be showing yourself only in boxers. Remember, (Y/N) lives with us now."

"No, I'm not. I'm gonna run away soon.."

Michael; "And that is why Kobe put me to watch you."

"Hmm... sure."

Michael; "Yeah, I'm going to be watching you as you sleep too. So don't do anything stupid or I'll jus ask Kai to deal with you as a hostage. And he's rough."

"So you're saying that I'm a.. hostage?"

Vallyk; "You talk too much, Michael. (Y/N)'s gonna be upset."

He said and walked away so I turned back in front. 

Michael; "Sorry, (Y/N), I didn't mean it."

I looked up at him and he looked upset like a kindergarten kid. 

Kidnapper, Kobe Morris ff [Season One]Where stories live. Discover now