1 | Louis

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Louis was the type of guy you only had to look at once to remember forever. Simply a glance could definitely do the trick, and that is exactly what did it did for most people. A quick stare or two while he gathered his things from his locker; everyone was guilty of it. Some maybe even steal a glance while he concentrates on his iPhone in class.

Everyone knew who Louis was and he knew it. He was on the guest lists of all the in crowd parties, all of the ritzy galas, and the most talked about on any social media app. His biggest claim to fame was not only having the small bunch of Doncaster's finest in the palm of his hand, but most of all he was the son of one of the most successful CEOs and newly wed, Johannah Deakin.

Johannah was in the oil and hotel business, so she obviously did quite well for the Tomlinson family. They owned property almost anywhere you could think of and don't let you forget it either. One look at anything in possession of any Tomlinson family member and you could automatically assume they'd only speak to you if you've got massive trust fund and a house in the Hamptons.

Louis was the most intimidating of them all in most people's opinions. Normally sporting his almost trademark gold Rolex and flashy, new Mercedes, you could always expect to get ignored as he walked passed you in the halls.

Not only does all of this seem crazy and outlandish, but also it's true. How do I know? That's me, Louis Tomlinson.

Sitting in the driver's seat of my basically brand new Mercedes SLS AMG Coupe, I made the dreaded drive to school. I went to Hill House private school in South Yorkshire. My parents enrolled me in the school from the beginning. It cost about ten thousand a year for me to attend, which most would deem ridiculous but only the best for the Tomlinsons.

The large, oddly satisfyingly symmetric, brick building sat across the lot from me. I couldn't bring myself to get out of my car and make my way to the front doors. Just thinking about another seven-hour school day made my brain hurt. Despite bribing my counselor into letting me take the easiest classes, I still wasn't doing too well. Senior year was supposed to be about having fun before being sucked into adulthood right?

Grabbing my backpack I slid my body out of the sleek two-seated car and locked it behind me. I always made sure to park underneath the large oak tree on the south side of the parking lot so I could use the walk time as an excuse to be late for class. Normally no one says anything about it. One of the many benefits of being a Tomlinson is the ability to do almost anything you want.

My day went by slow and thankfully steady. English, Math, Science, and History rendered my brain useless by this time of day so to say I was ready to be home would be an understatement.

I pulled up to the large cast iron gates that undeniably led to my home. Before I could come to a stop the gatekeeper tossed me a wave and I pulled through. The three-minute drive from the gate to my house was always a tranquil experience. Our house was built on the edge of one of the only lakes in my area.

Our driveway was constructed of unique stone bricks laid into geometric patterns that subliminally pleased the eye. On either side of the drive were large oak trees constantly trimmed to the perfect length and density to always let in the perfect amount of light. It always felt like entering another world due to the tunnel like effect that the trees had.

Eventually I pulled up to the large building I called home. When my dad had this house built around the time I was little he spared no expense to make my mother happy. She was very specific about what she wanted. Completely symmetrical, a three story, stone mansion was constantly referred to as the most beautiful home in Doncaster. Boasting tall columns and intricate molding, I had to admit I was glad to call it home.

I rounded the circular style driveway and stopped the car at the front of the house. As if awaiting my arrival, a young man in a perfectly pressed tuxedo walked up and requested my keys. I tossed them over and made my way up the stairs to the large wooden doors. Without a second thought I charged inside, determined for an afternoon nap, only to be stopped by one of the many staff that kept the manor immaculate inside and out.

"Louis, your mother has requested that you meet her in the west wing family room for a chat about your evening plans", he said in a deep, official tone. My family for had employed the middle-aged man as long as I can remember. Growing up James was always the closest I ever had to a real friend. I of course had the kids I knew from school, but they were only interested in me because of all the nice things that I had.

I let out a sigh, thanked James, and began my walk to the family room. My house had 10 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, 3 family rooms, a library, and a large office for my mother. Passing countless, famous works of art and expensive furniture, I joined my mother in the family room. She always liked to sit in this room for tea around the time I got out of school. Besides my room and my mother's office, it had the best view of the large body of water our house sat behind.

"Ah Louis, it's so nice to see you", my mother said as she pulled me into a tender hug. "How was school dear?"

"It was the same as it always is, long and boring. I think the last few months are going to go by slow" I replied. I always spent the summer with my friends at our Hamptons home. Some of my best memories were made in that house. Summer of '09 was probably the best for reasons that only I, and a few others, knew.

"Oh honey, you can do it. Just think, in a couple of months you will have finished primary school and can spend your summer doing whatever you desire." I shrugged at her response. "Anyway, one of my close friends just bought the house across the lake and I was hoping you would join me in welcoming them to the area. She invited us over for dinner tonight."

"Please excuse me if this is out of line but, why must I go?" I had better things to do with my time tonight rather than spending it at another one of my mom's ritzy friends house talking about the latest handbags and scandals of the workplace.

"I assumed you would ask that, which is why I was hesitant to ask. Anne has a son about your age and I thought you two might get along well. She has told me countless times about his interest in music and football. Sound familiar?" she said with a giggle.

"If I must..." I said with a smile. I know my mother worries about me. She knows me better than I do. I'd do anything to make my mother happy; even if it meant getting dressed up to go have dinner with complete strangers. I kissed my mom on the cheek and dashed off to my room.

I don't know why, but I just couldn't shake this feeling of.... excitement? If only I knew what I was about to get myself into.

A/N: I only got three votes, but I decided to write anyway. I feel like this is too wordy in uneccisary places. If you have any suggestions or comments please don't hesitate to share. If you enjoyed this please let me know and give me a vote. It would really help to know if anyones even liking this! haha!

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