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Alex woke up and teleported down stairs, he loved being born a ghost, he had such cool powers, "Morning everyone." He beamed as everyone moved out the way to show a giant, Alex wasn't actually sure how he was hidden behind the family he stays with, "I'm confused who's this man?" Alex asked as the giant smiled, "I'm here to take you school shopping for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." The giant said as he handed Alex a sealed letter with the Hogwarts crest on it, he carefully opened it and read the contents then smiled at the giant, "Hell yes, let's go, bye guys." he said hugging everyone and leaving with the giant, "We have to make two stops first, do you think you could teleport us to this address? I can't apparate that far." The giant asked handing Alex a paper with an address on it, Alex nodded and teleported them there.

Hagrid knocked on the castle door as Alex stared in disbelief, a older girl answered the door, "Can I help you both?" She said quite rudely, "I'm looking for a Vladimir Dracula." Hagrid hummed as the girl guided them inside, "Bat breath, there's people here for you." The girl shouted as a brightly clothed boy came into view with a man in dark clothes and a cape, "Food is here." He smiled as the girl laughed and the boy looked worried, "I'm here for Vladimir Dracula, he has been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." As the elder male glasped his hands together, "A magical Dracula, an no less than my son and heir." The older man said, Vampires, Alex thought, "Are you guys vampires?" Alex decided to asked as Vladimir looked ashamed as the girl smirk and the older man looked puzzled, "You haven't got a heart beat." He said quite rudely ignoring the young ghosts question, "Of course I don't, being alive is over rated." Alex laughed as the count smiled, "Vladimir, I will allow you to be friends with this boy." The Count said as Vladimir looked up with a sparkle in his eyes, "We should get going, Vladimir, Alex come along." Hagrid smiled as they left hearing the Count shout about Vladimir coming back for holidays and to bring Alex.

The final stop was a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere, Hagrid had explained to the two 11 year olds to wait out side but when they heard the gun shots, the pair run inside to make sure everything was okay, but to be greated by a bigger man, bigger child smaller woman and smaller child, the bigger man had a shot gun in his head which the end was angled upwards, "Hagrid are you okay?" The pair asked as Hagrid nodded and the pair watch the interaction, "Harry haven't seen you since ye was a baby." He asked the bigger child as he stuttered, "I-I'm not H-Harry." "I am." the small boy spoke up, "Ah Harry, Happy Birthday, here's something I made for you." Hagrid hummed as Vlad and Alex looked at each other, they knew immediately that this boy was being abused just by looking at him, the pair felt sorry for him, after about half an hour the four of them left to go buy school supplies.

As the entered hard to spot bar called the Leaky cauldron the where greeted with people shaking Harry's hand and talking to him, "Your usual Hagrid?" The bar man hummed, "No Tom, here on Hogwarts business." Hagrid said as the walked out the back of the bar and Hagrid tapped some bricks, then the walls parted, "Welcome to Diagon Alley you three." Hagrid hummed as they stepped into a busy street that was concealed by the wall.

"Where to first Hagrid." Vlad asked, "Gringotts to get ye money." Hagrid simply replied as he led them to the biggest building in the street, as the entered both Vlad and Alex took a deep breath as they both knew that Goblins  didn't like vampire's or ghosts but Hagrid and Harry didn't pick up on their discomfort. 

"What are they doing here." The Goblin glared at Vlad and Alex as Hagrid said, "They are here for their Hogwarts allowance from Mr Beetlejuice for Alex Juice, for Vladimir, The Dracula funds and for Harry, The Potter funds." Hagrid explained as the goblin gave them the money and they left.

"First to get your wands." Hagrid smiled as he then led them to the wand shop, "Hello young masters." The shop owner or what to appeared to be the shop owner, "Let me guess, Mr Potter, Mr Juice and Mr Dracula." The man said as the three eleven year olds nodded at their names as he brought out two square boxes and a bunch of rectangular boxes, "Mr Juice and Mr Dracula these are for you and Mr Potter try these." The man said handing Vlad and Alex a square box each and Harry the rectangular ones, as they all opened them, Alex had a ring, Vlad a bracelet and Harry some wands which he was told to wave until he found the right one, "Mr Juice and Mr Dracula, keep those with you, because of your natures and family, you two can't use wands like your peers but you can use these conductors to access you magical cores." The man said as the two boys put their conductors on while Harry found his wand.

After a few attempts Harry found his wand to which he was told that it had a twin, the twin which gave him his scar, the trio payed for their wands and left with Hagrid to get the rest of their school supplies, Vlad and Alex spent most of the time between the shops admiring their conductors, Alex felt more powerful with his on, whilst Vlad had no idea what to feel, and then Harry felt left out because he didn't have a conductor but he was used to it living with the Dursleys.

The Chosen Three: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now