Headcanon Syaoran's Fiancée with Magic powers

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We have been over this Y/n... We need the Li's help or else our family company will be shut down... After your mother died things got hard... We need their help and money to help us! Her father snapped... But... Y/n protests... He smacked her... Her eyes widened in fear... Her left cheek stinging... Listen here you little bitch... You will get to know Yelan's son... You will fall in love with him... You two will get married, so we can have the money... Am I clear? He hisses... Yes, father... She whispered... Tears in her eyes... She doesn't even know who Yelan's son is... She hopes he is a nice person and isn't like her father... After her mother's death, her father got abusive... 

Hello, D/n... Yelan greets... Where is your daughter? Yelan asked... Y/n... D/n said sternly... Syaoran didn't even want to do this... He thinks the girl he is supposed to marry is a spoiled brat... Yes, father... A quiet but yet sweet voice said... A girl with beautiful brown hair comes next to him... Her head was down... Y/n... Don't be rude... D/n hisses... Only Syaoran noticed that... His eyes narrowed... Y/n slowly lifts her head... Syaoran notices a mark on her left cheek... It was still red... Oh, dear what happened to your poor cheek? Yelan asks concerned. Y/n is very clumsy and is a klutz... D/n chuckles making Y/n look down embarrassed... Her cheeks were red from embarrassment... Syaoran's sisters and mom chuckle... Syaoran saw tears in Y/n's eyes... He could tell she was having a panic attack... Mother I am going to show Y/n around... Since she will be my wife in a couple of years... Syaoran said saving Y/n... Good idea, Syaoran... Yelan said smiling... Come along, Y/n... I'll show you some of my favorite sports... Syaoran said... She slowly takes his hand he had held out for her... They walk away... Once they were out of her father's sight... Thank you, Syaoran... She trembles in tears... I take it he hurts you... Syaoran said... y-Yes... He got abusive after my mother's death... The only reason why he wanted this arranged marriage was because of the money... For our family company... I didn't even know about this arranged marriage until this week... She trembles... And Syaoran could see it... He could see what kind of person Y/n is... Sweet, nice, caring, wonderful, and beautiful... I honestly thought you would be like my father... I'm sorry... She muttered... It's okay... I honestly thought you would be a spoiled brat... Syaoran said... I like to get to know you first, Syaoran... Like going on some dates... And see where it leads... She said... I agree... This was way too fast... I didn't find out until last week... Syaoran said... Does he go further than hitting you? Syaoran asked... He beat me up once I won't do want he wanted... I was sick that time too... She said... 

A couple of weeks later Y/n was slowly getting used to having a fiancé... After the time they spend together she learned a lot about Syaoran... But the thing she likes the most about him is... His kindness... She is growing a crush on him... It is a slow burn... But it is the same with Syaoran... He found out a lot about Y/n as well... The thing he likes the most about her is... Her smile... It shines so brightly... He would do anything to keep that smile on her face... He has a crush on her as well... It was a slow burn for him as well... His mom and her dad are pushing their arranged marriage very quickly... He has yet to tell her about his friends... He doesn't know what he is going to do about Sakura... Yes... Before he was in love with Sakura... And he knows Sakura likes him... He doesn't know what he is going to do... He doesn't have feelings for Sakura anymore... Tomoyo would kill him for hurting Sakura... As would Touya... But he is in love with Y/n now... 

Hey, Syaoran! Syaoran turns around to see Tomoyo and Sakura... Oh, no... I still haven't gotten around to tell Y/n about Sakura yet... Syaoran thought... Go on... Tell him! Tomoyo whispers in her ear... Sakura blushes... Syaoran... I... I love you... Sakura said... Oh, no... Syaoran thought... Syaoran don't you have something to say to Sakura? Tomoyo smiles... Tomoyo pushes Sakura and they... Kissed... Sakura's eyes were opened when Syaoran was widened in fear...

Syaoran I'm... Y/n arrived at the wrong time... She saw Syaoran kissing some other brown-haired girl... Her hazel eyes held hurt and heartbreak... Her heart felt like it was ripped into two... Who are you? Tomoyo asked rudely... Syaoran pushed Sakura away... Y/n I can... Save it, Syaoran... I thought I could trust you... And you kiss some bitch... Who are you calling a bitch you... I suggest you keep your comments to yourself... Y/n growls... She felt her magic build up... Syaoran paled... He could feel Y/n's magic building up... Who are you? And why are you in Syaoran's house? Only his friends are allowed... Sakura said with a glare... Y/n realized these two were the two girls she saw in the photos in Syaoran's room... I'm Syaoran's supposedly Fiancée... Who the hell are you two? Oh, wait... Now I get it... You're the freaking girl who likes Syaoran... And you're her freaking best friend right? Y/n laughs dryly... Y/n I... Save it, Syaoran... Be with miss, ugly pink girl... I don't care... This arranged marriage is over... Be with the freak... I don't care... She ran off crying... 

She was rude... Sakura said... I know... Tomoyo scoffed... Syaoran clenched his fists... SHUT UP! He shouted furiously... Syaoran... Tomoyo said shocked... Syaoran really you're... Sakura I suggest you keep your mouth shut before I do something I will regret... Let me make this clear for you both... I... Have... No... Feelings. For... Sakura... Any... More... I... Love... Y/n... And... You. Two... Just... Ruined... Everything... He said furiously... But Syaoran she isn't... SHUT UP, SAKURA! HER FATHER ABUSES HER! HE HAS BEEN ABUSING HER SINCE HER MOTHER DIED! Syaoran yelled at her... I don't care if that hurts you, Sakura... You and Tomoyo ruined my chances with Y/n... You don't know the damage you have just done! She lives here now! She moved in here after her father was put in jail! We are no longer friends... And Sakura... Move on... Syaoran snarled... He walks away... The nerve... No Tomoyo... We were the ones who were wrong... I knew Syaoran didn't love me anymore... I could see the way he looked at Y/n... Tomoyo he looks at her with love... Tomoyo... We did that... We hurt them... Sakura said now feeling regret... Tomoyo then starts to feel bad too... I feel horrible... Tomoyo said... I know... Me too... Sakura said...

Y/n was in her bedroom... Her door was locked... There was knocking... Please, Y/n let me explain... Syaoran said... No! Go away! She screamed... If you don't open this door... I will break it down... He threatens... I will take my chances! She said... Fine... Be that way... The door broke down... Syaoran! She scolds... You won't let me in... Now let me talk... He said. Fine... She looked away... He sighed and walked over to her... Y/n I don't love Sakura anymore... Yes I know I should have told you about her... I was going to... He said... So you loved her... She muttered... Yes... I did at some point before... But that all changed when we met... He said... She looks up at him slowly... Her hazel eyes were watery... Because I fell in love with you... He said... I... Are you sure? She muttered... Yes... I'm sure... Syaoran said... She hugs him... I love you too, Syaoran... I haven't loved anyone since my mother died... She said softly... I know... He said... Say it again, Syaoran... She said... I love you, Y/n L/n... He said... She smiles brightly... And I love you Syaoran Li... She giggles and he smiled... 

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