I'm Back!

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  Yes, hello! It's me! After what? 4 freaking years! I know, I'm deeply sorry to everyone who has waiting for updates, and to whoever wanted me to write oneshots, and other chapters based on your requests to me. Life really took me over the past 4 years, and due to me being in high school, turning 18, being introduced to the world of adulting, graduating, going to college, and working, I've had maaaaaajor writer's block, and then stopped writing altogether. Yes, it all sucks, but it's life. As Melanie Martinez/Crybaby said, "You start in the womb, and end in a tomb." But anyways, I would love to announce that I am back! I will do my best to get everyone's requests. Not only that, but I will also be going through each chapter, and doing a big revise of all of them, so stayed tuned ya'll! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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