Diana's heartbreak.

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Food for thought: would Diana go full on bat shit crazy like cersei did during joff's death should she know of athy's LP and Korea life and then see athy sacrificing herself for obelia, claude, Ana-aety and jetty in wmmap? (is what a tumblr anon asked)

Diana never knew what heartbreak felt like before she met Claude. She thought that would be the end- but here she stood, in the darkened room where she watched her daughter, her only child, look up at the moon and wished for a better day to come.

She drifted from her daughter's room, and to where Claude was, downing himself in drinks once more, and she lets her hand fall onto his hair, as if she could touch him. His bleary eyes stare through her, almost managing to focus on her face before he croaks out, "Diana?"

She doesn't answer him, a frown overtaking her beautiful face, wanting to slide her hand down and wrap it around his neck with her other hand, to throttle him until he turned blue.

But still, she had some patience, some kindness left in her soul, and so she turned, and left him there. Alone, in the dark once more, by himself. Not caring that he cried out her name and bottles smashed on the ground behind her.

She sat next to her daughter, her weight not making a dip in the bed as she stroked her daughter's hair, tried to press loving kisses onto her forehead. The sun rose again, and her daughter seemed to dress a little different, unlike her time in the other era where glass buildings towered into the sky and people were able to fly. 

Her Athanasia hesitated before she slipped on comfortable black flats, a dark dress that came up to her calves before she stands in front of the mirror and a shaking hand comes up to hold the pendant at her neck. Diana looked at it more closely. It was her pendant.

Athanasia, why are you wearing that? Diana wanted to ask, but she's happy her child chose to wear something of hers, loving her as a mother even though she never knew her. She wonders, what was the special occasion?

She soon finds out, and her face turns whiter than the marble of the palace, her veins showing on the backs of her hands as she desperately tries to reach her daughter but fails to stop her from slashing her neck as she drops to the ground in front of the people who were supposed to love her in place of the mother who didn't live.

Diana stared at her daughter's body. Her... body.

It didn't- it didn't make sense. Why, why did her daughter feel the need to sacrifice herself, her precious self for the good of an empire that wouldn't give her a second glance when she was down? Diana's eyes are red at the edges, her knees throbbing with pain from where she flung herself to the ground, and she can't see through the tears that blur her vision.

Oh, Claude. We never should have met.

Diana's hands form fists, and the chandelier starts to shake as people begin to scream but nothing enters Diana's ears as she instead, gathers her daughter's body in her arms. The floor cracks around them, travelling up the walls, glass shattering as mirrors fall from their designated places.

She didn't care whether anyone died when the most important person, her child, had died right in front of her eyes. She wept as her expression turned to anger, her normally elegantly beautiful face becoming one of dangerous rage.

Flames flickered at the edge of her sight and tore through the wallpaper, and all she can think is how much she hated this empire that laughed at her when she had been a concubine. How her daughter had been abandoned until she was five, until she was nine, until she died at the hands of others until herself.

She hated this empire, she hated Claude, hated his whole family- what use was being a member of the imperial family when all they did was tear others apart? She hated them- hated all of them. Shehatedthemhatedthemhatedthem-!

A small grin became full blown as she laughed brokenly, her cheek on her daughter's cheek, feeling the warmth leave her child's pale face and she can no longer keep up the smile on her face as it draws down. Her lips open, her teeth glistening under the sunlight streaming in through the crumbling palace as the rays bounced off the glass shards on the floor.

And Diana lets out a scream that all could only describe as- fury

Diana glared up at the skies before turning the reddened gaze onto Claude who could finally see her and he's standing amongst the collapsing walls, reaching out for her. She faces him with a dark gaze, so similar to his when telling the nobles who to bow to.

Her lips part, and a sharp voice that rings in the air speaks. "She who was most precious to me and you let her die? I cannot accept it." She raises a hand in the air and points at Claude and at the already fleeing Anastasius, and lightning arcs through the air.

Her words are like daggers, piercing into Claude who was the only one remaining. "Where is Athanasia, do you know? Where is my daughter, the one I gave my life for?" The screech of metal as swords clash in the background, fighting for their lives against Diana's laid down judgement.

"For I who was once this emperor's wife, now realize...he is not to be protected but to be pushed down into hell." The ground opens up and bony hands reach for the terrified emperor, and in the distance Diana can see others being pulled down, for they too were part of her daughter's final choice.

"Take them, Hades. I have brought forth the sacrifice, return to me- my child. My blood. The true heir."

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