Athanasia's War.

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"I will not hide away like you old, senile cowards. So used to puffing away at your cigars and pinching money from budgets for your fiefs instead of using it for good. Don't think I don't know." 

She glared down the table, her eyes lightening into the same icy shade as her father's, and the nobles in the strategy room flinched back at her frown. 

A few slide their shaky, sweaty hands into their pockets, crumpling up casino tickets and rubbing their fingers at handkerchiefs to try and get rid of the smell of tobacco that lingered on their skin. 

So alike was her aura to the emperor's, they see the familial resemblance clear as day- even if some of them still didn't acknowledge her as their superior.

But mouths hung ajar at the next words she spoke.

"I will head to the front lines myself and win this war for the empire- against the enemies who have dared to declare against us. So move aside and let me do what I do best," and she smiles here, her expression... breathtaking in its magnificence.

"Bring victory in the name of Athanasia de Alger Obelia." 

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