Chapter 1

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The future.
It's where life is uncertain. It could be amazing or a living hell. It could be filled with joy and happiness or death and suffering. But the time that isn't uncertain is the past. Where your memories can live deep in your mind. Some memories are of people erased from your life an others are of the people you will never forget. My past is filled with love and hope and mistakes and tragedies. Filled with people who bring me up to tear me down. People who have loved me. Who have forgotten me. Although there were good memories the terrible memories are the ones I am punished for. My mistakes will forever haunt me. I have done many mistakes in my life but the one that will make me suffer the most is keeping my love a secret. Keeping Harry a secret.


My name is Louis Tomlinson. The year is 2020. Yesterday, my soulmate, the love of my life, passed away. Harry Tomlinson is no longer breathing on this earth but he is up in heaven were he belongs. With the Angels.

He was shot. And now he's dead.

"Harry wait up!"
I giggle running down the busy street of London over to my beloved husband. He stops and waits for me to catch up and flashes his award winning smile at me. Our fingers intertwine like branches on a tree as I play with the wedding ring on his long fingers. When we start walking again, I look up at his beautiful features, getting lost in his emerald eyes, making me weak at the knees. He is smiling like a princess and I just want to nibble on his flawless dimples.

"Babe. Are you alright?"
Harry laughs snapping me out of my trance. He is so gorgeous.

No. You're so fucking perfect.

"Yeah," I say and plant a kiss on his beautiful, plump, lips. "You are just so beautiful I can't wrap my head around why you love a person like me."

Harry lets go of my hand and he stops in his tracks.

"Louis William Tomlinson," he begins. "You are the most precious, beautiful, funny, kind, sweet, loving, childish, perfect person I know. Whenever I'm sad you always know what to say to make me feel better. Whenever I'm sick you will always find a way to help me. You are so good. So so good Louis. Any man is lucky to have you. I love you so fucking much and I want you to keep that in your mind."
Tears stream down his flawless face. Even when he is crying he is the most beautiful thing to ever walk this earth. I wipe away the tears and give him a kiss.

"Baby, it's okay. I love you so much. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you."

I reply and stand on my tippy toes to kiss him again. I take both of his hands and interlock them with mine. I look straight into those fucking beautiful eyes and try to make him happy again.

"Come on Harold where's that smile?" I giggle trying to get him to show off his pearly white teeth. At first, he looks down on the ground.

"Harry where's that smile? Come on Harry smile for me?"

And there is was. His dimples hugging the side of his face while his flawless, shining teeth light up the sky.

A loud ear shrieking noise turned his beautiful smile into a frown. There was blood. A shit ton of blood. I look straight at his chest after he pushed me away from the bullet. He knew it was coming for me. He immediately fell to the floor and I dropped to my knees.


"L-Louis," Harry quietly whispered with a little blood coming out of his mouth. "I-I'm g-going to be okay love. I-I'll be watching over you. I love y-you Lou. You'll Alway be in my heart."

He eyes close and my vision becomes blurred as I kiss my love one more time before I am pulled off of Harry and he is boarded into an ambulance. Just like that, Harry slips away like sand through my fingers. Harry is in the ambulance but I already know what the outcome is. And only a few minutes later my husband is pronounced dead.

My breath became very heavy and my vision blurred because of the nonstop tears rushing down my face. I fell down to the floor, threw up and everything faded into black darkness.

My angel. My beautiful angel.
Where are you going?


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