Chapter 3

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The scenery here is astonishing and completely breathtaking. Harold and I came here for our honey moon and now I'm here alone looking for my love.

I settled into the hotel room and I get another twenty calls from Liam. Why can't he understand that Harry is a living breathing person on earth and he just wanted to surprise me at the place he proposed to me. I know where my Harry is hiding. It's where he proposed to me.

On the lock bridge.

In 2012, Harry and I were dating at the time but as most know, we weren't open about it. So as a group, the boys and I packed our bags to go to the most romantic place on Earth. Harry had everything planned out for our stay and he wanted us to do so much here. He spent night and day planning it out. This is where I planned to propose to him. When he was planning I was freaking out on what his answer might be. If he said no and that I was rushing things, my heart wouldn't be able to handle it.

As soon as we landed, Harry took my hand and brought me sight seeing. He was so beautiful. How he was amazed by everything he saw was so adorable. I barely even looked at the scenery yet I looked at Harry's reactions to observing the scenery. He was just so handsome and lovely and I can't believe I can still and always call him mine.

As I walk to the lock bridge I see the French citizens give me strange looks. What the hell did I do? Why the hell are they looking at me? Some people even started to cry. What are they doing? Harry isn't dead. I squeeze my finger nails into my palm clenching a fist and I begin as tears stream down my face. Harry where are you! My head fights with me.

I make it to the lock bridge and search through the locks for Harry and mine. After 20 minutes of searching I find a little red lock that says:
Partners in crime
for life
(i lock you)
L&H 2012

Staring at the small little lock, my brain is quiet but only one little voice rings in my head. Harry?

Louis, Boo bear, Love. I love you with all my heart. Let me go. Let me watch over you. Let me love you more than I can ever. Cherish the memories and my love. I am dead Louis but our love can't be any more alive. It's what will hold us together. I need you to stay strong boo bear. I love you so much.

I lean my back up against the side of the lock bridge wall and gently slide down it.

H-Harry is de-ad?!

The only person in this world that mattered to me... Gone. He gave his life for me and I'm sitting here in Paris acting like a fucking fool. Searching for a curly headed boy that will never come. The love of my life shot in chest. I could have been dead right now looking above Harry.

My angel.

Reality hurts so much. My stomach clenches and I choke on the nonstop flow of tears streaming down my face. I try to wipe them up by I can't move my body because I am feeling so numb.

"HARRY!" I screech hoping for an answer. Silence is what I get in return.

He promised!! He promised he would never leave me and that he would always be by my side!! Now I'm only left with the memory of my beloved l-late husband. I am left with only pictures of his beautiful green eyes and even in a picture you cannot see the sparkle he always has in the left corner of his emeralds. In pictures you do not appreciate the curves that shape his tall slim body. In pictures you cannot hear his jokes and cries and when I make him laugh so hard that he covers his mouth from embarrassment. In a photograph, you cannot see what we have been through.

You cannot see our constant struggle of people telling us that this isn't right. The people say that what we have, Harry and I, is a sin and we will be going to hell for it. That Jesus wouldn't want his children loving the same gender. I have three words for those people. Love is love. I love Harry Edward Styles-Tomlinson and I don't give a shit who knows it. Best friends fall in love all the time and in this case we did and I couldn't be any happier to have been married to the most loyal, caring, sweetest man I have ever and will ever meet. I am forever grateful that I had the privilege to be married to Harry and how he has made me a better person. How he stopped my addiction with smoking weed, and how he has helped me stop drinking. He is such a sweet soul and I could never forget the effect he has had on my life.

I love you Harry. I will miss you, Angel.


It has been nearly 4 hours now and I have been crying at the lock bridge since I have gotten here. People have come and gone. All of them doing the same thing. Never asking me once if I was alright because they already knew the answer. My heart will always have a gaping hole in it until the day I die and until I see my love once again.

Sitting on the ground, I look to my right to see the small red lock that stands out from the rest of the locks. On the bottom of it there are numbers that can also open it but the key is in the river ahead of it. The river that symbolized what it was to keep our love a secret that only us and the river knew about.
Suddenly, as almost by force, I get up and go over to the lock flipping it upside down. The numbers were jumbled up and I slowly begin to move to the correct passcode. Today he proposed right here.2202.
My tiny fingers tremble as I change to the right code. One number away. My thoughts jumble and the tears are still fresh on my face. As I change the last number to 2, the red lock starts to vibrate and buzz.

"What the hell?" I scream but no one is around to notice the buzzing lock. The red lock glows a eye burning white color and a flash comes from the bottom of it. The flash knocks me out and instead of seeing all black I see Harry. His beautiful comforting face so close, so kissable, so lovable. His huge hand is gently placed on my shoulder and he whispers in his deep raspy voice, "It's okay dear. Open your eyes."

So I do as I was told to do.

I am awaken by the same bridge but it's darker out and there are two figures at where Harry and my lock is placed. What if they take it? Nauseous but determined, I get up from the concrete floor and I stomp over to the two figures hovering over where my lock is supposed to be.

I lunge for one of them pushing one over, the other one screams as if I murdered the person and he comes to the persons rescue. I look down at where our lock was placed. It's not there. What the actual fuck!

"Who the fuck do you guys think you are! Why the hell do you want to steal fucking locks!? I will bash your fucking heads in th-"
I pick up the tall teenager, who was holding the little red lock, off the floor by the shirt and turn him around.

"You want to fucking fight you littl-"
I stop after I look at the boys extremely familiar features. Am I dreaming?


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