Chapter 2

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My Harry.
Tomorrow I'll wake up and my not-so-little curly boy will be in my arms and telling me he loves me. Then I will kiss him and tell him I love him back. Harry is not dead. Harry is not dead. Harry is not dead. He is alive and happy.

I was crying and shaking uncontrollably. Why did God do this to me. My husband, my love. I couldn't stop crying and when he fell to the ground I felt like I stopped breathing for a few seconds and that's when I passed out.

Who would do this to him? He was such a sweet and kind person and he didn't deserve this. Why couldn't I be the one who was shot? I would rather have him walk on this earth and I be dead then him dead and me suffering here without him. He is not dead. He can't be. Today was our Anniversary and we going home to get our luggage. We were going to Paris, France, the place were he proposed to me. This is all just a fucked up dream and I'll wake up in Paris next to him. I know it. Maybe Harry is already in Paris and he's playing tricks with me.

I'm in a hospital bed and I'm staring at the ceiling stuck in deep thought about what I could have to stop the shooting.
And then I hear a knock on the door. I don't turn my head because if it's not Harry then it's no one important. The door opens but I still don't look at who it is.

"Louis," the voice says and I can recognize the the tad bit of Irish anywhere. Niall. I finally look down and I see three boys... Men staring back at me with swollen eyes.

Liam, Niall and Zayn. Where's the fourth one? Where's Harry? These boys have meant so much to me. Niall could always make me laugh, Zayn was always there for me when I needed him most and Liam was alway the man to go to when I needed advice or just someone to talk to. I need them here now to help me through this never ending pain.

If you want to know the band split up in 2016. Liam was married to Sophia, Zayn was finally married to Perrie, Niall found a girl in Ireland that he is head over heals for and I have Harry Fucking Styles/Tomlinson. I Had Harry. Harry. And now he's gone. No he's not! My head fights with me.

Seeing the lad's faces and looking at the empty space next to them that belonged to Harry made me break down into tears again. I love him. He needs to be alive. Life wouldn't be right with out my boy with the curly locks.

Niall begins to cry also and sooner or later everyone in this hospital room was a crying mess. He really is gone. No he can't be.

"Harry... I need Harry. Where is he? I need him!! HARRY!! WHERES HARRY!?! WHERE IS MY LOVE!!! WHERE IS HE!!" I scream in the hospital room while Niall, Liam and Zayn look at me with confusion clear on their tear stained faces.

"Louis," Zayn quietly squeaked and move over to the edge of the bed. "Louis, Harry... Harry is in a better place now. It's going to be alright. Harry would want you to be happy."

He doesn't know what Harry would want.

"Louis we all know that you loved him gravely but he's..." Liam starts but I interrupt him.

"Liam I still love him and I'm never going to stop loving him."

The room was quiet after that filled with the soft sobs of Niall, Zayn, Liam and I. There is a huge hole in my heart that will never be filled ever again.

"My angel. Where is he?" I say again staring at the door to see if Harry will burst through them and take me to Paris so we can fall in love all over again.

"Your angel," Niall sadly smiled with tears stained on his red cheeks. "Your angel is with the Angels. Where he belongs."

I got up. And left. After Niall said those few words I cracked. I couldn't fucking handle it. When those two short sentences flew out of his mouth Zayn and Liam cried louder and harder and Niall instantly regretted what he just said because he knew he made it worse. I had to leave. I don't want any one to find me. Only Harry.

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