Chapter 4

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Now what to do for the next hour and fifteen until school starts? It was too hot inside so I decided to go sit out the front of the school on the steps and read. This plan worked fine until I felt a sudden sharp pain in my leg. Someone had hit me with a small rock!

I picked up the rock and got ready to throw it back at the idiot, and all I saw was Billy standing there with a grin on his face and a bunch of pebbles in his hands. I raised my arm back and threw the small stone at him aiming for his stomach, he managed to dodge it pretty fast so it only just skimmed his arm.

He had been laughing as he dodged but he suddenly stopped laughing and subtly dropped all his stones on the ground behind him before grabbing his arm and moaning dramatically,

"Ouuu, you got me good, it hurts, it hurts so bad! Owhhh it hurts!" He twisted his face to a look of great pain.

I was suddenly filled with worry, is he being serious? Did I actually hurt him? I thought I threw it so softly!

"What! Billy? Are you okay! I swear I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Billy winked at me and I was once again confused..


oh no.. please don't be who i think you are, i froze for a second and then slowly spun around to face my doom, my thoughts were correct, before me stood the Mrs Rose the principal (who somehow was not fired for all the things she said on assembly.) uh-oh.

" I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS REBECCA! WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?! Getting into so much trouble over such a short period of time, i mean,Throwing ROCKS, do you realise how DANGEROUS that is?!" Dad paced back and fourth the lounge room floor as I sat on the couch awaiting to hear of my punishment. I didn't respond to him, it was a rhetorical question, he didn't really want a reply. So I just sat and listened to him rant.

"I CAN'T JUST GET YOU OUT OF TROUBLE EVERY TIME, it was easy the first time because you hadn't been in trouble before, but Rebecca the more that this happens the harder it will get." He sighs and pauses for a minute. Here comes the punishment.. I'm thinking.. Grounded for two weeks with no tv?

" Now I've talked to your Principal and we have come to a good compromise. You will work on Sundays at the local Prison and some Saturday afternoons,"

My mouth drops open.

"You will help out there like community service until we deem fit for you to stop and if you do this then these incidents will not be put on your record."

I was in shock, my dad seriously wanted me to go there?! There were BAD people there!

"Dad I can't do that.."

I flinched a little when his face hardened and his eyes narrowed,

"You CAN and you WILL do that Rebecca. No daughter of mine will be having things on her record that could potentially stop her from getting into a good college!"

I couldn't argue with dad, he just has that air of authority about him, but I was scared, maybe if he just knew how scared I felt, I had heard all sorts of stories about the types of people at that prison, pedophiles, rapists, murderers. I couldn't be around those kinds of people!

"Daddy please..I'm scared.." I used my childish voice and gave him my best innocent look. For a second his face softened and I thought I had him, before he got stern again and said, " now I'm sorry if this worries you Rebecca, but the prison Is perfectly safe and maybe it will get you to start looking at life seriously and understand that if you continue to cause trouble you may just end up in a place like that prison."

Ouch, that was harsh, I skipped school and threw a pebble, that doesn't exactly sound like I need to go to Juvie to me.

I woke up the next day with a jolt, freaking out when I looked at the time and realised I was missing detention before remembering that I no longer serve detention, I just have to forcefully volunteer my time at the prison.. Yay.. I took my time getting ready, no rush today might as well shower and make myself look half decent.

I was enjoying the walk to school, strolling along at my own pace, smiling at the flowers and pretty green scenery. I heard a car engine creeping up behind me and turned to see a red Holden convertible.. Only Ethan.

"Get in Bek!"

I was really tempted to keep walking but I didn't want to hurt Ethan's feelings by not getting in, so I gave him a little wave and jogged over to the car.

I open the door and he leans forward and squeezes my cheek like someone would to a young child,

"Aww Bekky you look so cutee when you run!" I gave him the evil eye and slapped his hand away,

"Just drive you moron."

But secretly I didn't want him to see the faint blush that was creeping up my neck to my cheeks. He called me cute? Well he didn't really, he just said my run was cute.. But that's sort of the same thing right? I kept sneaking glances at him as he drove. Gradually his face started to form a big grin.

"You don't have to pretend you aren't looking at me Bek, I'm fine with you checking me out."

My eyes widened and I tried to think of a quick witted response as per usual, but nothing came out. I felt my face heat as I stumbled over what to say.

"I- I wasn't, didn't, that wasn't what I. What I mean to say is that I was not checking you out. I was just watching to make sure you weren't speeding." Yes that was a good one, he knows I hate speeding, he often forgets but he knows it. I watched as his grin fell, he looked over at me, regret etched on his face,

"Jeez I'm sorry Bek, I didn't even think of that. I'm so stupid, so stupid, I'm really sorry."

I frowned, feeling bad for using that to take the heat off of me, in reality I didn't even think to check to make sure he wasn't speeding, I was too busy thinking about him calling my run cute! I ALWAYS think to check the speed. I didn't want him feeling bad, but I also didn't want him to get suspicious and think I may really have been checking him out, which I totally wasn't, I was just LOOKING and there's a difference.

"It's fine, just a misunderstanding." I spoke confidently this time, giving him a closed mouth smile. Ethan glanced at me and nodded,

"Okay." Somehow he didn't look quite convinced.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2013 ⏰

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