Rebecca Peyton

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Just trying to write a new story, the name will change, its just temporary until i really get into the story and figure out where its going. anyway, hope you guys like it! and if you do think its any good, please let me know :)


"So today, we mourn, for the loss of one of our best students, Ellie Montor, she was a lovely girl, intelligent, cheerful and she was absolutely gorgeous. I honestly wish so bad that a few of you could have died instead of her," Mrs. Rose stated sadly. Hollly, I knew she liked Ellie, but she could be fired easily for that.

"You can't just say things like that!" I heard Mr. Daniels our vice principal hiss at her.


Anndd there goes any chance of her career continuing. Haha, well suck on that, she always was a nasty art teacher. Karma bitch. I'd say that Ellie got what was coming for her too, Karma, but that's way to harsh a thing to say considering she's dead. Ellie was a nasty, self-centered back stabbing whore, but.. she didn't deserve what she got, no one deserved what happened to her.

Ellie had been missing for almost two weeks before her body was found under a bridge, half buried just outside our small town called Jamik. My uncle was a policeman, so I knew before most others about the condition that she was found in.

After the Autopsy they said she had been raped, multiple times before her death, her body also had over two hundred sewing needles that had been brutally shoved into her skin, including one in both eyes. That had been the cause of her death, bleeding to death because of hundreds of sewing needles was a good way to die?.. I don't think so.

I hated Ellie when she was alive, but now, now I just pray to god that she's somewhere nice and that she never has to feel scared or traumatized again.

I went home straight after that, I didn't want to have to spend my day, sitting there thinking about Ellie all day. I really know that it's not my fault she died, but sometimes I feel like I did this to her, like she died because of me. On one hand i feel like i was responsible for her death and it makes me feel absoloutly horrible, but then on the other hand, some sick part of me almost feels happy. It's because I used to wish her dead, every single day I would wish she would just drop dead, but it wouldn't have changed anything, I could never have Turky back again.

When I was really young, Ellie and I used to have 'play dates' she was a nasty little thing even back then, and because she was a couple months older then me, she thought she could boss me around. I let her, I used to listen to and do everything she said, as we got older and into primary school I still obeyed her every command. Then she started asking me to do really mean things for her sick pleasure, but I still did them, I grew up with doing everything she asked, it was what I knew, what I was used to. If Ellie didn't like someone she would get me to do things such as; undo their bras or gather a crowd then open the door while they were on the toilet. Slowly though, I started becoming friends with this girl, Fred, to Ellie, this was unacceptable, one day Ellie told me she'd heard a rumour about Fred, that she was caught out doing nasty things with this guy I liked named Tony, in the boys bathroom. I didn't believe her of course, Fred wouldn't do that to me, she couldn't, she knew how much I liked Tony. The next day Ellie had come back to me with Video evidence, it was a short blurry video, but I could make out Fred and Tony's face in it. I was horrified, Ellie told me to send the video to everyone, tell the world how much of a slut Fred really was, I was just so angry that I didn't even really think twice about it. I sent the video to every kid I knew and talked bad about Fred, at every given opportunity. Of course, everyone then hated Fred, no one would talked to her except to call her names and put her down. She couldn't handle it and her family moved town not long afterwards.

It also wasn't long until Ellie told me the truth, that she knew a guy who was super good at graphics, I.T. and photography and that she had asked him to try Photoshop Fred and Tony's faces in. I remember her laughing as she told me this, just assuming that I would forgive her, she was wrong, she was so wrong. I couldn't believe what I'd done to Fred, but no matter how hard I tried she wouldn't answer my calls or reply to my letters. I stopped all contact with Ellie after that, to her, that was rejection and she didn't take rejection very well.

When she was thirteen she decided she wanted revenge. I was walking to the home I'd lived in back then from the bus stop when I saw it happening, but I was too far away, the bus stop was a good 600 meters from my old house. Ellie was there, she had opened my gate and was yelling at my dog Turky, she started slapping him and kicking him, I was screaming at her to stop, to leave him alone, leave him out of this, then I realised her intention, she was provoking him, she wanted him to attack her. I was running so fast, but I knew I wasn't going to make it, Turky wasn't responding and I was so proud of him but then she bit him hard and that was it, he bit her back, slicing open her hand and that was the end of my dog.

She called the cops, saying that my dog pounced on her out of nowhere, that he needs to be put down. I fought against her, I told them what really happened, but no one believed me, all the cops thought Ellie to be a poor, frightened young girl, my uncle was the only policemen to believe me, but he just wasn't enough. So Turky was put down and Ellie had, had her revenge.

This was obviously my reason for hating her, how anyone could possibly be so cruel I just didn't know.

Now I live much closer to the school, which I was thankfull for as I walked home, my thankfulness stopped when it started to lightly rain. Pumping the tunes, Ethan pulled up beside me in his red convertible, it was so shiny it was like the perfect mirror. I could see myself standing out in the rain, my blond hair already soaked and my green eyes twinkled in my reflection on the car. Ethan thought he was super cool owning it, but really it was just a Holden, nothing special there... then again, I don't even have a car, why the hell don't I own a car? Everyone else in this stupid town must have one but me.

"Bek! Wait up, you need a lift?" He asked, winding down his electric window to reveal his Black hair, Black sunnies and black lips. Wait black lips? What?

"Ethan why the hell are your lips black! Tell me you aren't turning Gothic on me now are you?"

He actually looked like he had to think about his answer before he said, "Why, do you think chicks would go for gothic guys?"

"oh ma god." I rolled my eyes and jumped in the passenger seat happy to be out of the rain.

He laughed, "Nah it's for some drama shit I had to do before. So, is it to home sweet home for bek? Or is it to food sweet Maccas for bek?"

Hmm, home sounds good, but dads at work, Bryce my brother was sleeping at uni like usual and things had just been lonely for me at home since mum died so I didn't really want to be by myself. I looked at Ethan, he was a pretty good friend I was glad to have him, I thought some more before deciding, "I'll take the Latter, but don't speed." I always get pissed when he speeds, it's almost like do people not remember the reason my mum is dead? You think they'd have some sensitivity. Ethan can be a bit unaware of things like that, it's one of his few faults.

He grinned, "Were off to see Ronald McDonald, the wonderful Man at McDonalds."

I too, couldn't help smiling at his silliness as he sang to the tune in Wizard of oz.


Okay so obviously that was just sort of an introductory starting chapter thing. Was it any good?

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