Eighteen - Swoon

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'The art here is magnificent, I don't think I have ever seen such beauty in a room before,' I mused.

Anthony had pulled me into a secluded room that was covered in large, dramatic landscapes, and I was surprised to see we were the only two who had ventured into this room thus far. Completely overwhelmed by the intricate art in front of me, I forgot I was not alone and startled when I heard Anthony.

'I cannot say I have either.'

Tearing my gaze away from the walls that surrounded us, I took a moment to look at Anthony, only to find him already looking at me. His gaze was warm and a shy smile overcame him.

'You should smile more my Lord, it suits you,' I commented honestly, tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

Once again we were both alone in a room and I took the chance to admire him for a moment, before the others piled in to.

He was easily one of the most attractive men in London and I dared to wonder how he had not yet found a match. Whether he was not ready to marry, or he simply didn't want to was unknown to me. Men had a lot more freedom with their futures than us ladies. I was born and bred to marry a suitable gentleman, run his household and raise his children. That was the life I had been given. On the other hand, Anthony had the luxury of both time and choice. He got to chose who he wanted to marry, where as, I just had to hope a kind gentleman would marry me, but even that wasn't promised.

My mother always told me, 'Marry for love. Only love.' But I feared I would not be as lucky as she...

My mother and father were a love match. A rare but beautiful thing in our society. Not many were blessed with such luck, but they were. If I had a fraction of the happiness they had, I would be content.

As I stared blankly at the landscape in front of me, I was jolted from my thoughts as I felt Anthony's hand graze against mine. My heart rate quickened at the contact and I involuntarily moved my hand closer to his, soon finding his knuckles and brushing my fingers over the rough skin. Despite knowing it was improper, I couldn't find the strength to pull my hand away.

The thought of someone walking in through the large double doors and seeing us didn't cross my mind as I was too caught up in the moment.

It felt right; my hand with his, our proximity, even the comfortable silence that encapsulated us.

It was heavenly.

Until, a loud chorus of gasps startled the pair of us and we shot apart like shrapnel. Hastily looking around I was relieved to discover that no one had caught us, instead the gasps had come from the other room.

Pacing out of the room to see what had occurred, both Anthony and I were surprised to see Cressida in the arms of Prince Friedrich just inches from the ground.

As the crowd around the pair murmured I whispered, 'What has happened?' to a spectator.

'Cressida swooned.' The girl deadpanned.

'And Prince Friedrich caught her,' another girl mused, staring adoringly at the Prince that was in front of her.

I continued to watch as Prince Friedrich fanned Cressida asking if she required water.

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