Chapter Seven

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"I haven't changed my mind." She said and went to turn back to Severus.

"Perhaps not a date, but just a way to get to know each other." He said and she sighed and turned back to the annoying git.

"I have plans that weekend." She said quickly.

"Oh really? What are you doing then?" He questioned her and laughed knowing she was just making excuses, which she was.

"Severus and I are going to Hogsmeade to gather some ingredients for potions and I'm on the hunt for a corpse flower and I shouldn't have to explain myself to anyone." She spat the last part out.

"What about tomorrow night?" He pressured her and placed his hand on her thigh. She immediately stood up.

"I think she told you no , Gilderoy. You might want to back off," Severus finally said and stood up with Clarice. He switched seats with the woman so she could finish her dinner in peace. She leaned over to Severus.

"Can you walk me back to my room?" She whispered and he nodded. They wished the rest of the staff that was at the table a good night and Severus glared heavily and Gilderoy before exiting.

"I apologize for not stepping in sooner. He's an absolute git for even daring to touch you. I should've hexed him into next week." Severus said between gritted teeth. Clearly, he was more bothered about the incident than she was.

"Thank you for stepping up though... and switching seats with me. I don't understand how Dumbledore could've thought he was a good fit for this position." She said and laughed.

"Yesterday, he let a cage of cornish pixies loose in his third year class." Severus chuckled.

"Idiot... I heard about that. He's lucky no one got seriously injured." She said. "Shall we... take the long way?"

"What's the long way?"

"I'm not quite ready to settle in for the night. I feel like I should walk off my dinner." She placed her hand upon her stomach. "I've got a food baby."

He chuckled lightly. She loved when she made him laugh. It was such a rare sound. The pair walked on and found themselves in the courtyard.

"Severus?" She asked seriously after a moment of silence. He hummed to let her know he was listening.

"Tell me if I'm over stepping, but... surely you must know... I mean-"

"What is it?" He pushed.

"Well... why does everyone talk so poorly about you?" She caught him off gaurd. "I mean everyone makes you out to be this awful terrible dungeon monster... but I find you quite the opposite."

He took time to think on his answer because quite frankly, he had no idea why she found him enjoyable to be around.

"I guess I could ask you... Why do you enjoy my company when everyone else steers clear off me?" He asked back.

"I don't see any reason to avoid you."

"What if there was?"

"Don't patronize yourself."

"Well maybe they know me better than you do."

"Well tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"What about you is so terrifying?" She asked the question and it lingered in the dark. She was scared to know his answer. She didn't dare touch his mind.

"Let's keep walking." He suggested.

"Are you upset with me?" She asked as they walked back into the school.

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