❤Weaver Family x Baby Reader❤Family Bond

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{Requested by @TanukiOclock}

Well this is a predicament...

The Weaver kids stood around an wailing infant, all unsure of what to do. Tim covered his ears, "Ugh, let's just put it out of it's misery!" Benny was quick to pick up the baby and glare at Tim.

"No! Baby's been through enough!" He glared at his younger brother then turned to the infant who had stopped crying, Benny smiles and offered them a finger, Tom would drag himself over and look over Benny's shoulder.

His voice gurgled as he asked, "It stopped?"

Benny nodded with pride, "(Y/N) just wanted to be held!" He smiles.

Tim would panic, "Benny don't name the thing! You'll get attached!" Benny would turn to Tim with the 'too late' look and Tim sighed.

"Do you think (Y/N) likes bunnies?" Lillian floated over Benny's head, showing off her bunny plushie. You giggled and would reach up to the bunny, making Lillian beam, "They do!!!" Caleb would prop himself on Benny, looking too, making some grumbles grunts.

You turned to him and put your hand in his eye socket, causing everyone to freak out along with Caleb, who screeched and hid underground again.

Benny sighs, "This isn't gonna be easy."

Weeks later...

Family life, fun isn't it? Well for you it sure was! You were spoiled to bits by everyone, even Tim, though it took a long while, he finally warmed up. (Wow! Character development?!)

Currently you were playing with Caleb and Lillian, well, they were playing with you. They had grabbed stuffed animals and would shake them in front of you and make silly voices- Well, Lillian did, Caleb could only let out grunts and graveled up noises. But you enjoyed it nonetheless, you giggled and would grab at the toys, taking it from Caleb who gasped.

Benny would come back, he had made the terrifying journey of actually leaving home and getting real milk for you, but it would all be worth it if you were healthy. He walks over, "Alright you two, playtimes over, it's time for (Y/N) to eat." The two kids awed in disappointment, making Benny chuckle, "Tomorrow you can play with her some more, now run along now." The two nodded and ran off, screaming at each other as they played an intense game of tag.

Benny walked over, grabbing the milk, "Hey (Y/N)!" He cooed, gently picking you up, making you squeal in excitement.

"Hey." Benny turned to Tim and Tom, raising an eyebrow.

"Can I help you two?" He questions, the two boys nodding, Tom nodding the best he could with his broken neck.

"We want to feed the baby." Tim demands, Tom letting out some quiet 'yeah's. Benny would think about it, humming. He looked down at (Y/N) then finally decided.

"Just be careful with them." The twins got excited and would take (Y/N). Benny sat down with them and would teach them how to properly hold, feed and burp you.

Tim did rather well while Tom did struggle, his broken bones made it more difficult, so he gave up and just held your small hands, admiring your adorable face. After Tim did all the work, the twins took their leave and would walk off after saying goodbye to you.

Benny chuckles and laid against a tree, you laying on his chest, "Well, I'm glad Tim finally opened up to you..." he chuckles and glanced over at you. You were already falling asleep, he pets your back, "Glad you came to us... Our family has never felt this close." He smiles and would fall asleep with you.

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