My Dolly

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As I walked into the store, a bell went off making my presence noticeable. The clerk took a quick glance then smiled a soft smile.

I smiled back at him and continued to walk around the store looking for a present for my daughter. I looked around for five minutes straight and couldn't find a thing.

I walked up to the counter where the clerk was and asked for the toys section. He pointed to a big sign that read "ISLE FOUR:TOYS". Well I sure felt stupid.

I walked into the toy isle and looked around. I seen play guns, play makeup, and costume jewelry, but nothing to suit my daughter. Then something finally caught my eye. It was a small rag doll with red hair and huge, big, bulky eyes that stared at you where ever you went. I grabbed it and looked at the price tag which read: 1.50 PLUS TAX. I guess it could be worth it.

I shrugged my shoulders and headed for the counter to pay for it. In no time, I was headed out the store and into my car. I put the rag doll in the passenger seat and strapped it in. I started the engine and drove. I looked to the side to see the doll looking at me. At a red light I turned its head around so it could face the front. Honestly it creeped me out.

When I got home I held the doll behind my back. My daughter came running towards me.

"Hi mommy!" She said hugging me. "Hi sweetie, how are you?"

She ignored my question and tried to see what was behind my back. "What's that mommy?" She exclaimed and I shrugged my shoulders pretending not to know what she was talking about.

She reached behind my back to grab the doll but I pulled away. "Mooooom!" She yelled.

I removed the doll from behind my back and held it up in the air. It was Lion King all over again.

My daughter reached to grab the doll. Holding it in her hands, she held it and looked at it in amazement as if she had never seen anything like it.

"It's all yours honey, happy birthday." I whispered. She gave me another hug and ran off to her room.


A few weeks had past and I got the feeling there is something wrong with that doll. It made me feel unsafe whenever I was around.

I walked upstairs about to head to my room. Passing my daughters room, I hear her talking to herself..or at least I hope she is.

"What do u wanna do today Bonnie?" My daughter asked. I snook behind her door.

"We will do that later. Ok?" She said.

I walked into the room. She turned around was startled at my presence.

"Oh hi mom!"

"Hi sweetie, umm who are u talking to?" I managed to say. "Bonnie." She blinked.

There was an awkward silence, but soon was broken. "Wanna talk to her?" My daughter asked.

"Umm." I wasn't sure on what to say next. "I guess?"

She held the doll to my ear as if it were actually speaking to me.

My daughter continued to hold the doll to my ear when suddenly I heard a faint whisper. I couldn't exactly make out what it was saying.

I gasped. "Whats wrong mommy?" My daughter asked. I just stood there in horror.

"What happened?" My daughter continued to ask.

"Um sh-she speaks?" I asked knowing how ridiculous I sounded. "Of course mommy."

I trudged out the room horrified on what just happened.


Later that night, I dressed into my pajamas and headed to bed. I pulled down the covers and got in. I tried to sleep but I was still thinking on what happened this morning.

I figured I was being paranoid and fell asleep.

Just then, I heard small footsteps run across the hall too small to be human...

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