Brother Sister Talk

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I need to find Rydel. I just need to know what's happening to me! Oh! There she is, at the dressing trailers.

Ross: Rydel!

Rydel: Ya?

Ross: Umm.. Uh.. I kinda need to talk.

Rydel: About?

Ross: Girl problems.

Rydel: Why don't you go to Laura?

Ross: Oh, you don't want to talk to me? It's fine really I'll ask Raini.

Rydel: No! I just want to know. I thought you'd go to Laura first.

Ross: Well, you see...

Rydel: Say no more. Is this about Laura?

I just nod.

Rydel: Come in the trailer. We need to talk.

Ross: Ok.

We went into Laura's dressing trailer, since the location was at a nature park, and Rydel locked the door. She told me to sit down and sat right in front of me.

Rydel: So, what is your problem?

Ross: I feel like punching Ryan in the gut whenever he's around Laura.

Rydel: Why?

Ross: I don't know. I don't want him taking her away from...

Rydel: From you?

Ross: Yes.

Rydel: When did this sudden hatred start?

Ross: After that dre....

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