Learning swordmanship

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"........" = talking
'Abc......' = telepathic

Ariana's pov

When I was about 10 years old, I requested something to daddy.

"Daddy, I wanna learn swordmanship."

Getting daddy's permission wasn't that hard. In my past life, when I saw swordsman in webtoon, I thought 'it's cool. I wanna learn it too.' To think I'd really be given the chance to learn. I'm such a lucky girl, aren't I?

Daddy chose a teacher for me to learn swordsmanship. The teacher was a tall, big man who is in his mid 30 with grey hair and eyes. My first impression of him was umm.... He doesn't give the aura of a dangerous man but something about him seems strange.

"Blessing and glory upon the little sun of the obelian empire. My name is max million. I'll be your swordsmanship teacher starting today. I look forward to teaching you, your highness."

Maybe it is just my imagination.

The first week was learning how to properly hold the swords. Felix was standing by the whole lesson watching him as he csn't trust anyone. And he carefully teach me step by step.

He doesn't seem like a bad person. Maybe I judge him wrong. But that was my mistake. Bad person? Such kind words isn't enough to describe trash like him.

The problem was after the first week, felix thought he isn't dangerous and wasn't there to stand by anymore. After all, he also had to guard athy too.

We start sparring with wooden swords. He starts beating me with his swords while sparring. I would always roll on the ground even if he kicks me once. There is a huge body different.

And no one notice that he have been abusing me. Why, you asked? Who would have thought that he'd be able to use healing magic. After the spar, he'd always treat my big injuries that would proof his abusment.

So I have really a hard time to find a proof to catch him. Like that, another week passed by. Today is like anyother days.


I fell back on the ground. My whole body is covering with dust and brusies. He kicks my stomach with his feet and yells.

"Hurry and get up! You can't even do this properly. That is because commoner blood are running through your veins."

And he'd always insult about my origins. Do you think I'll be hurt if you said things like that? Not a chance.

I get up from the ground, sweeps away the sweats on my forehead and look back at his eyes. This dude here is actually a S who loves seeing people cry, afraid and scared. Especially young children. How many children had already lived with trauma because of him? Such a piece of sh**#.

Today, he seems really frustrated because he hasn't seem such a reaction from me even after a week. I firmly hold the swords with both hands and stand in a sparring positions.

Today is the day I'll strike back. Like always he rushes to me with his swords, I pretend like I was slipped and throw dust at his eyes when he was near enough. My hidden card under the tower comes out and attack him before he could open his eyes.

"Ahh..what is this ugly creature?"

Are your eyes blind by dust? How could you call my adorable lucy ugly?

Lucy bites his hand which was trying to hit me with his sword. As I got the chance, I gather all my strength and kick his main point with all my might.

He was now laying on the ground while lucy was ripping his hair. And I start to run toward where my feet took. If he can use healing, all I have to do is run away before he can use magic. The proof is my body.


I saw lucas wondering around here. To think there would come a day when I'd be this happy to see this jerk.


When I saw soneone, my body give up and I pass out. When I woke up, it is already another morning. I comfirm the fact that the trash was already disappeared from the world. Yes, that kind of trash isn't worth to live.

After that, I never hold a sword anymore. The reason was I lost interest and thought that it doesn't match me. But everyone mistook it as I form a trauma and never bring about the swords in front of me again. Of course, I didn't notice that.

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