01.| the beginning

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It seemed just like yesterday when I was having a normal time in my life, when everything was going accordingly to how it always was. 

I had a job, an apartment I used to share with my bestfriend and a neighborhood we hated but lived in. I still recall the dark streets that protruded from almost anywhere, the alleyways dark and dangerous always seemed like tunnels leading to your demise. The shops around were always open and inviting. The people were kind yet rude in many ways. 

It was like our own small town, the weather used to be amazing. Sunny at days, windy and somewhat fresh at night. The only thing that was out of place was the street gang that lived in the same neighborhood. They didn't harm anyone, always minding their own business. But them being mysterious and unapproachable was what terrified most people. Just as any other normal gang, they had their share of rumors too. 

'They are associated with a huge drug lord'

'Each and everyone of them has seen the walls of prison from the inside' I used to scoff whenever I heard them. I never believed in what I couldn't see, but that day I saw a lot. 

I looked around as I walked home, the dark streets always made me giddy. It always seemed like someone was watching me through the shadows but I would always shrug it off. Instead, I would focus on walking back home in one whole piece.

I walked into my apartment, and not seeing any sign of Liana in the house had me sighing. She was always there before me. Always waiting for me with one of her remarks ready, but something had changed. 

We couldn't hang out together since the past two weeks, it wasn't something that ordinarily happened, but I noticed she was getting busier by the day. Of course, her being a nurse she was supposed to be at the hospital. But something was going on. The only thing I didn't know was if it was with her or was it something to do with the hospital. I would always come up blank whenever I would think about any of those things.

She started to look pale since a week ago, I didn't know what it was because of. But it always looked like she couldn't get enough sleep, something was tiring her out but I had no idea what it was.

It wasn't only about the shifts anymore. I had this weird feeling  that something bad had happened, something Liana wasn't telling me about but I ignored it, knowing that she would probably tell me soon enough when her shifts get easier and when we would spend time together again. 

When I noticed the fridge empty, I groaned. I was in no mood to go out and grab groceries, but as soon as I was about to turn around. I saw something stuck to the fridge.

'Go get that food honey buns ;) It's your turn today, and also don't you dare forget to buy me my snacks.' I smiled, as I unconsciously took the note off the fridge and kept it into my pocket. I walked towards the front door to wear my shoes and as I was about to leave.

It was at that moment that something struck me and I looked back towards our apartment. I don't know why I did it, or what urged me to but I stood still for a minute and just looked around, taking everything in. I looked around at everything we had done to decorate our house, laughter, arguments and squealing filled my ear instantly and I grinned. I noticed the furniture we had invested in apparently, according to her. I huffed recalling all those moments. I flicked the light switch off before I exited the house 

I was enthralled at the darkness creeping all around me when I walked through the lonely and dark streets. I didn't feel eyes on me this time. There was something else going on at the back of my mind, it was a feeling. Something instinctive, telling me something was about to go wrong. 

I tried to ignore my thoughts as I turned the street and noticed people passing by. There was a woman on the phone, probably speaking to someone important by the way her voice held a professional tone to it. I noticed a girl walking through the streets, she was listening to the music and swaying. I almost let out a chuckle when she was about to trip over a cat. I looked down when my phone buzzed and picked the call knowing it was Liana.

"Li! I was just headed to the supermarket. Do you need me to get you something?"

"No, it's okay. I just want you to listen to me," I frowned when she uttered those words, I completely stopped walking.

"What is it?"

"Listen Soph, please go buy all the things you need and go straight home." I noticed the panic in her voice, something desperate taking over when she told me the words. My frown got deeper as time went by and I hesitated to ask what was wrong.

"Li, is something wrong?" I heard no reply to the question as I assumed I wouldn't. 

"Where else will I go Li? Are you coming back home today?" I asked instead, as I entered the supermarket.

"I don't think..." There was a slight pause before Liana continued. "I will. I will come home as soon as I can, you don't worry. Love you."

There was something desperate in her tone as she said that. I couldn't point out what it was, but it was almost reassuring the both of us that she would come back home. I muttered a 'love you too' before she hung up the call. I sighed gripping the phone in my hand, as I stared down at it. I wondered if I should call her back again, but knowing I wouldn't want to disturb her I kept the phone back into my pocket.

I started gathering the items I wanted to buy and started placing them in the basket when the door clicked open again. I looked up out of curiosity and saw Ryder Miller walk in. I immediately looked back down before I could get spotted.

Ryder Miller was one of the gang members, or should I say. He was the gang leader. He wasn't spotted usually but when he was, he always had a blank expression on his face, always had that hard exterior up whenever someone tried to talk to him or approach him, even though there aren't many people who like to do that.

When I was done with the things I wanted, I walked towards the cashier. Rose smiled at me while I smiled back handing her the stuff I collected to be bought. 

I looked as she scanned the items. Rose was of our age, probably a bit older, but we knew each other since a long time. She had started working here to collect money for her father's treatment. Eventually, he did get his treatment just a month ago but she wanted to continue, seeing that she enjoyed working here.

While in my thoughts, I didn't notice a presence right behind me. I flinched when I felt an arm go around me. I heard Rose chuckle and looked up to see her before turning to see who was behind me. Ryder was standing right behind me looking outside the shop. When he noticed me staring, he looked over  while I averted my gaze and instead focused on looking outside the glass doors myself.

I noticed a man walking towards the shop, he was just across the street. Thinking it must be just someone coming over to buy some stuff, I ignored it paying the bill for the things I bought. I looked up again and this time the man was right under the street lamp. My gaze went down towards his shirt and I saw huge blood stains. I gasped backing off right into Ryder's chest when I noticed something else.

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