The Unforseeable Trip Pt.2

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Shane's POV

I looked up at Kiara as she got out of the ambulance next to Nyko. Everything from that point blurred together. I remember talking to my boss and everyone around Nyko but don't actually remember what I was doing. The phone call from Kiara kept playing over in my head as well as seeing Nyko strapped to the gurney unconscious.
Since I'm still in training I wasn't allowed to actually do anything with Nyko. All I could do was stand and watch as they figured out what was wrong. My head was spinning. She was fine this morning. What happened?
"Babe, come sit." Kiara's hand touched my shoulder.
"What happened Kiara?"
"I-" She hesitated. "I don't know. She was getting hot and her cheeks were all red so I had her sit down for a little bit and drink her water. When her cheeks were normal color again I let her go play with the other kids again. She must have been playing too hard and overworked herself and passed out. I didn't see it happen. I looked away for literally two seconds and when I look back up they were all circling around her." I leaned into Kiara's arms and sighed.
"My god." I turned to Kiara and buried my face in her neck to hide my tears.
"Shane, she will be okay." Kiara rubbed my back and pulled me over to a chair.
"It sucks waiting his long for him to be out." The lady sitting across the room practically yelled at the man sitting next to her. I looked up and saw the man glance at me.
"Honey, quiet down. There are other people here."
"Shane, Kiara, I have some news." My coworker turned to us after pulling us to the side. "Nyko is alright. She was just a bit dehydrated and she got too hot in the sun which caused her to pass out. But she has an I.V. helping with the dehydration and she's awake if you'd like to see her. We are working on getting her paperwork in order then we will bring the discharge papers to you." He gestured down the hallway and started walking.
When we got to her room Nyko was rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"Nyko, sweetie?" Kiara spoke softly as she approached Nyko.
"Kiara!" Nyko exclaimed and latched her self to Kiara.
"I'm so glad you're okay, Baby. I was so worried."
"Shane!" Nyko reached out to me and grabbed my arm to pull me into the hug. I fell on top of Kiara and Nyko causing Kiara's elbow to jam into my stomach and her shoulder to hit my throat making me cough. "S-sorry."
"It's quite alright, Hun."
After hugs were finished Kiara had climbed up onto the bed with Nyko and had her wrapped in the blanket like a burrito she was clinging to for dear life.

Author's Note:
Thank you readers for being so patient with my writers block. I have gotten a few ideas from people. One being @datashedoh thank you for the idea to have cuddle time with Kiara and Nyko. I appreciate your feedback! As my book somehow gets more and more known on this platform I want to thank the readers or voting and encouraging me to continue writing the book.

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