Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Right when I thought things would get better now that the Hunter issue was done, things got worse. 

"Come on it won't be that bad!" Louis said. I stormed into my room. "I'm not doing it Lou!" I said. Louis followed me into my room.

"I know you can do it, we'll be with you the whole time!" he said. "No!" I said turning away. "I can't," I added softly. "Please!" he said.

He walked behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "For me?" he whispered. I sighed and closed my eyes. "I want to Louis I really do, but you know I literally can't," I said. 

Louis hugged me tightly. "Yes you can," he said in my ear. He lifted his finger and turned my head so I was facing him. He kissed my softly and gently and I melted into the kiss.

He pulled away all to quickly for my liking but still stayed close. "Will you do it?" he whispered. I looked at his eyes and I realized how blue they were. "," I said. 

Louis groaned and pulled back up. "You have to!" he said, "Keke's doing it!" 

I pulled away from him. "I don't care if Keke's doing it! Can't you just mention me?" I asked. You're probably very confused right now.

Ok so a few days after the whole thing with Hunter, the boys got a new interview planned. 

They want me and Keke to go on it with them and introduce ourselves. On national televison. I couldn't do that.

Not because I didn't want to but because of my glossophobia. I could only talk in front of Keke and the boys. I most certaintly cannot speak in front of millions of people. 

"If you just look at me the whole time you won't even know that everyone else is there!" Louis said. I shook my head. "I'll notice the interviewer, the cameras, the audience!" I said, "I can't just block that stuff out."

Louis shook his head at my stubborness and just hugged me. "I know I'm sorry if I'm pressuring you," he said. 

I sighed. "It's ok Lou," I said softly. The boys had to go to the interview in a few minutes and then they had a concert right after. Keke and I were going to both. 

They were doing the interview with Daphne Barter, one of the most famous interviewers and trust me she had a big audience. (I totally made her up) Keke and I were backstage and I was shaking out of my wits.

I wouldn't stop tapping my foot and I was literally hopping from one foot to the other while freaking out. 

"Would you chill?" Keke asked. I shook my head. "No can do," I said. She just laughed. "You need to, you'll be fine out there," she said. I took a deep breath, but nodded. 

When they got to the topic about dating my heart sped up. "So we heard about Harry and Louis's new girlfriends, am I correct?" she asked. I glanced at Keke and she was grinning like a maniac. 

The boys nodded. "They're actually backstage," Harry said. The audience oohed and Daphne looked extremely interested now.

"Well let's bring them out!" she said. "Ok, here's Keke and Amber!" Louis said. Keke walked out with a huge smile on her face, but my mouth zipped shut and my feet were glued to the floor. 

Keke sat down next to Harry and he put his arm around her. "So I take it Keke is your girlfriend?" Daphne asked with a chuckle.

Harry and Keke nodded. Louis looked around and frowned. "Where's Amber?" he asked. Keke leaned over and whispered in Louis's ear.

Louis frowned. "Excuse me," he said softly. He stood up and came backstage towards me. 

"Amber, what happened?" he asked softly coming over towards me. My mouth was still zipped shut. "I thought we talked about this, I thought you'd be ok!" he said. I shook my head and felt the tears starting to run down my face.

"Aw baby don't cry," he said softly. He gently wiped away my tears and kissed me gently. "If you don't want to go out there you don't have to," he said. 

I nodded and felt guilty as I watched Louis walked back out on stage alone. I should've gone with him, but my feet were glued onto the ground. Not literally, but you know what I mean like I couldn't move.

"She isn't feeling well," Louis said as he sat back down. The audience awwed and Daphne sighed. "Oh what a shame," she said sadly. I sighed and watched the rest of the interview silently. 

Mute (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon