My Story That Started With An End: Find The Necklace

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Who knew this would happen?

Who knew that they even exist?

Who knew that THAT exist?

And who knew that only three things can unite you with your family?

I do!

I was just a ordinary girl. Happy.

I had a family. Happy.

I had parents. Happy.

I had a sister and a brother. Happy.

I was happy.

Until everything changed.

Sometimes when a person in a family passes away, doesnt matter if its one of the parents or the kids, the family stays strong and helps each other if somethings wrong.

That didnt happen to us.

But sometimes when a person passes away, again, doesnt matter of its one of the parents or the kids,

the family gets weaker and separates from each other and each one of the family members takes their own ways.

That happened to us.

That is what changed everything.

Well, things started to change from the beginning.

My mum had cancer. I was 10 when she got it. I was 11 when she died. I had a brother who was a couple of months old and a sister at the age of 5. I also had a dad.


My mum was probably the strongest women in the world. And she is still the strongest women I have ever seen in my life. Not just because she gave birth to three kids, but she could pretend like nothing had happened when she was suffering of cancer.

She would take care of my brother who then, was only a new born baby. She would take my sister to kindergarten when she could even if my dad told her not to.

She wanted to.

She forced herself to do it.

We were a normal, happy family who were living in the United States. Like any other family, we took good care of each other.

My mum didn't want that to change.

She wanted us to be happy.

She still wanted us to be a happy family even if she was suffering of cancer.

So she pretended like nothing had happened.

My dad did the same thing too. Even if it killed him to watch his wife having pain and having cancer, he was strong. Not for himself, but for us and my mum.

Because we were kids and my dad didnt want my mum to loose hope.

Everything could happen.

My mum and dad were very strong together.

Even after everything that was going on, the managed to keep us safe under their warm and safe wings.

Even if one of the pairs was broken,

they managed to raise us.

Until everything fell.

And broke into millions of pieces.

Because when something is falling with a high speed, it crashes into the ground and brakes into pieces.

That happened to our family.

The unexpected happened.

Things didnt go in one direction.

It tooke another one.

Then another one.

And then another one.

Everything went wrong.

My mum got sicker. The cancer spread to other parts in her body.

After two weeks... she left us and this world.

The day before she told us something that I will never forget.

She said:

"Take good care of each other. Even if I'm not with you, you're still a family. Even if I'm not WITH you, I am with you. In your heart. And if you get seperated from each other, always find a way back together. But on the way back there will be challenges. Never loose hope!"

We did as she told us.

But when time went by, my dad got sicker and more depressed. He sometimes took too much medicasion. I had to take care of my sister and brother myself.

I always reminded my dad about what my mum has told us.

"She gone now! Nothing will be the same! Ever. Again!"

Thats what he always told me.

There would be days when he got home drunk. There would be days when he would lay down on his bed without knowing what was going on. There would be days when I would call 911 just beacuse he had taken too much medicasion.

The hospital was like my second home.

Eventually my dad died of too much medicasion.

That was the last time I saw the hospital ever again.

Me, my sister and my brother were left alone on this world.

We had no one.

We were no one.

They separated us.

My brother got a new family. In another city

My sister got a new family. In another city.

I.. I was sent to London. The city that changed everything.

Who knew this would happen?

Who knew that they even exist?

Who knew that THAT exist?

And who knew that only three things can unite you with your family?

Love, will and a golden necklace.

This is my story.

My story that started with an end.

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