Chapter 1: Music

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Hello, here is a new story. I'm very inspired but I still don't know if the name convinces me, the idea is that with one-shots, more was said about Lucy's past before Fairy TailHope you like (:

It all started that afternoon when Natsu, Happy and Lucy had returned from their last mission. Everything had gone well despite some damage caused by the fire mage, they still managed to get 80% of the reward. And yes it was a good reward because even after the discount, there was a huge sum left ,that meant that she no longer had to worry about paying the rent for about three months. This relieved the celestial mage, her income was a constant concern, a reminder that she was an adult woman with responsibility and bills to pay, the stage of her life where she had money and no worries was over long ago. Little did Lucy miss that life, perhaps sometimes she thought it would be easier not to have to worry about making certain mount of money every month and avoid being left on the street, but within seconds of that thought she denied it, although it was true that it was hard not to have a stable finantial situation, this same one demonstrated an autonomy that never thought that she could get to obtain. Freedom was a feeling that Lucy wouldn't change for anything, less to return to her life as heir to the Heartfilia clan.

She and Natsu entered the guild with a great shout "We're back" while Happy flew straight to the bar asking Mirajane for a big fish. Lucy sat in her regular stall and Natsu sat next to her while Mira served him a large amount of food. The white haired woman, after serving her companions, handed her a strawberry milkshake, although Lucy hadn't ordered it yet, she thanked her for her gesture with a smile.

The star mage stared at her in the void, thinking about rent and her old lifestyle brought back bittersweet memories. There were so many things that she had suffered in her mansion, her loneliness was one of her main torturers. Lucy spoke little of her old home, she didn't like to recall those times when Lucy from Fairy Tail didn't exist, only a sad and immature girl. Her companions never asked or interrogated, they always knew how to respect that, they all knew well that there are secrets about the past, they themselves were the proof themselves. Each Fairy Tail magician had their history and a past, a before that they hardly exposed to light.

Of course they knew who her father was and they knew that she had run away from home, Fairy Tail knew the big picture but without any clue of the details that led the blonde to escape from home. Lucy smiled sadly at the thought of her, memories of her having skyrocketed. Her heart jerked in pain, Natsu who, as he would have felt that, detached himself from his food and looked at her, smiling at her and giving her a squeeze on the arm. This brought Lucy out of her reverie and thanking him with her gaze she smiled at him. Satisfied by her response, Natsu returned attention to the plate in front of him, eating like a savage, typical of Natsu.

Through the guild gate came a new group of wizards consisting of Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Charle. The sky dragon slayer had decided to go on her first mission by herself but Erza who was overprotective almost like a mother dictated that she had to accompany her to supervise and dragged Gray with her. Of course, the guild accepted this as long as the adult wizards didn't intervene in the mission and will let Wendy carry it out on her own. Natsu and Lucy weren't present when the rest of their team left so they didn't have the opportunity to accompany them and since Lucy still needed the money, they went on a mission without the full equip.

Wendy walked to the center of the guild, a beaming smile on her young and childish face, hinting that her mission was completed with complete success. Charle followed her closely with a proud smile on her face, just like a mother who boasts of the first steps of her son. The little blue haired girl addressed the pair of magicians at the bar, she felt her emotion through her pores, Erza and Gray walked joining the rest of the team. All its members were gathered at the bar listening as Wendy related the mission to Lucy, Natsu and Happy.

Before Fairy Tail, Lucy HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now