66 - Cleo | Cruel

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Louis was still unconscious and maybe we exaggerated on the chloroform, but we had to wait one way or another

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Louis was still unconscious and maybe we exaggerated on the chloroform, but we had to wait one way or another.

Zayn's words were echoing in my head but I was such a fucking mess that I was doing my best to ignore it. I knew he was right, this was a dumb and desperate move, but we were indeed desperate. If we had told him about our plan before we suddenly decided to leave the house and kidnap Louis, Zayn would've definitely scolded us and told us that we shouldn't do it.

Well, we didn't tell him because he was taking his own time to process the whole Amber-June mess, and it wasn't like Harry and I hadn't been working together for a while now. We didn't have help before and we were doing fine, plus we both agreed it was a good idea to clarify some loose ends on our board.
Yes, we had a deal with an FBI agent who had offered us immunity in exchange for information, but that didn't mean we couldn't keep this a secret. It wouldn't interfere with her case at all, Louis was disposable.

And it wasn't like she didn't know Harry and I killed people for a living, Amber wasn't naive. Zayn had a point though, because this time we were actually involved with the FBI and she had been to Harry's house and seen the crime board... but she told us to not interfere with her case and we weren't, we were working on our own shit and handling the list.
Plus, we were going to lay low, we only left the house to get him and then we got back, we weren't planning on leaving again.

Louis also wasn't going to leave, not alive at least.
He was already kidnapped and we were waiting to get some answers, there was no fucking way he was going back to whatever the fuck he was doing. He tried to kill me and Harry, and he also fucking shot me, so he had this coming.

Harry had already broken Louis' phone into tiny little pieces just in case, and I helped tie him up in the chair we had set up in the corner of the room, over some plastic covering the floor for when things get messy. Harry's garage was bright enough, the white lights made his eyes seem a clear shade of green but he still refused to look at my eyes directly.
He'd been weird since what happened at the parking lot, and I couldn't blame him... but this time it was different.

The lamppost had turned off only for a few seconds, but it was so sudden that maybe it was enough to trigger something in him.

He simply froze, his eyes were open but I could tell he wasn't looking anywhere he was inst... there. His mind was lost somewhere else entirely, somewhere dangerous and hard to find.

We had to be quiet then because we were literally about to kidnap someone, but the moment I saw the tears in his eyes I just had to focus on him and help him.

Harry's fear of the dark was much more unpredictable and stronger than my fear of guns, this was something deeply carved in his mind and he would get so frustrated, as if he was the one to blame. I felt really bad for him, it wasn't his fault that he had some kind of trauma... and I had a feeling his father had something to do with it.
Desmond wasn't a kind man, that was obvious. Harry didn't deserve the shit he put him through and I wouldn't put it past him to use the dark as some sort of punishment... and that traumatized Harry enough that he didn't remember the reason for what happened. And now he was vulnerable... maybe the stress intensified things for him, it was hard for me to guess when he refused to talk about it.

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