Part 2: Birthday

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I drove to our usual spot with a fresh cake and my gift for Y/N in the passenger's seat. I wanted today to be the best day of Y/N's life, and nothing was gonna get in my way from making that happen.

Our spot was peaceful and where we had all our talks, a table bench under a small gazebo in the park, it suited both of us quite nicely and we've hung out there ever since we met. I pulled into the parking lot and saw Y/N sitting at our table like usual, but someone stood above him. I rushed out knowing it could be someone trying to hurt him, but as I got closer I was shocked at what she was saying.

"Hey cmon won't you say something? I promise I don't bite..."

Was this girl, being nice to Y/N?

"It's rude not to look at someone talking to you by the way, why are your eyes closed?"

Oh Y/'re hiding it...Y/N...

"Hmph well fine, just know you missed the opportunity to see a very pretty girl with your own eyes."

She wasn't kidding, she is pretty

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She wasn't kidding, she is pretty. Even I would say Y/N is missing out...reluctantly of course...wait why is that?

"I have someone already...sorry."

Wait what? Y/N has someone? Is he just making that up? If he had a girlfriend he would tell me right? What is going on?

"Oh you're just making that up so I go away, it's okay I got the message."

"No I'm not lying...there is someone I love more than anyone else in the world...she's my light."

"Well that's cheesy."

"Ha yeah I suppose it is but it's true to me...I'm sure you're very pretty though please don't take it the wrong way."

"Well okay I understand that but why won't you open your eyes? Afraid I'll seduce you or something?"

"Not exactly, I'm keeping them closed for your benefit really."

"Oh so I'll get seduced by your eyes is that it? Haha!"

"Nah, you'll most likely me a freak, and run away."

I wanted to hug him so bad but I needed to hear her response first.

"What? Now I know you're making stuff up."

"I'm serious..."

"Well then open up and prove it."

"You asked for it..."

Y/N slowly opened his fiery red eyes and looked at the young woman. Her expression changed as Y/N's gaze tore through her. She was clearly scared, but as if only to spite him, she didn't scream or run away from Y/N.

"So...does it make sense now?"

She only nodded.

"Well if you understand could you please leave? The only person who has truly accepted me is on her way, and I really want it to be just us."

"Y-Yeah no worries....sorry...I'm Yeji by the way."


"That's a nice name...guess I'll see you around."

"Sure...and Yeji?"


"For what it's worth you are really pretty."

Her expression changed again into a warm smile.

"Thanks Y/ too."

She winked before turning around a walking away.

For some reason my heart twinged with a hint of anger. What was that?

Soon after I went back to my car to grab the cake and gift and finally revealed myself.


"Oh my god Ryu this is too much."

"Nonsense you deserve all of it and more."

I hugged him tight, it felt like home.

"Well enough waiting we gotta cake to destroy!"

"Haha...let's do it."

Small Timeskip

"Okay gift time!"

"Aughh how do you still have that much energy Ryu? I can't move after all that cake..."

"Oh believe me I'm on the verge of barfing but you HAVE to open your gift."

"Alright haha...oh god aghhh."

I laughed as Y/N struggled to sit up and grab his gift. He paused before opening it and looked at me.

"Thanks for all this really are the best."

"Oh stop you'll make me cry!"

"No seriously, you're always there for me and have always accepted me...I really wanna thank you for everything, thank you for being Shin Ryujin."

My heart swelled in a way I have never experienced before, it was bliss. I didn't know what it was but I never wanted to stop feeling it.


I jumped onto Y/N and gave him the tightest, warmest hug I could. We giggled together as I sobbed into his coat.

"Well cmon open it already!"

"Okay here I go."

He peeled off the wrapping paper meticulously and didn't make a single tear.

"Oh my god you nerd just rip it!"

"No I'm keeping it."

"Keeping wrapping paper?"

"Well it's wrapping paper from you...'dolt'"

"...shut up."

He finally had removed all the wrapping paper and revealed his gift.

"No this?"


He grabbed me a held me close in a loving hug and my heart swelled again. What is this feeling when I'm with him?

"I can't thank you enough's too much for me."

I grabbed his hands.

"No Y/N don't you ever say that, you deserve this okay? You deserve this and so much more."

"Thank you..."

We hugged for what felt like hours, and neither of us wanted to let go.

"This was the best day of my life."

I smiled from ear to ear.

"I'm so glad, and we can make it even better. Arcade?"

"Hehe *sniff* hell yeah."

To be continued~

Author's note: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, was it too lovey dovey for you? hehe. Y/N and Ryujin are getting closer and closer, but is there something going on between Y/N and this stranger Yeji? Find out next time! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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