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The next day t

SAPNA was almost done packing her luggage 

It was still pretty early as it was only 6 in the morning 

Only three people in the whole family were up 


PREETI and SADHNA were making snacks for SAPNA as she was going to RAMPUR 

Confused by what is going on ? 

Well let me clear it all 

After last night SAPNA decided to go RAMPUR but if she goes without informing anyone and that too without VINOD they might get suspicious so she called her DADI MA and made an excuse , that she was missing and wanted to come . DADI believed her and was coming to pick her up today 

Everyone knew about it except for VINOD 


DADI had arrived an hour ago as usual SAPNA was giving small smiles , less inputs and was lost in her own thoughts , all this didn't go unnoticed by her DADI and other family members 

PREETI was also lost in her thoughts 

As soon as PREM noticed her wife standing in the corner lost in her own world 

He went towards her and back hugged her and she instantly kept her head on his shoulder 

PREETI - mujhe kuch accha nahi lag raha hai PREM 

PREM - kyun ? kya ho gaya 

PREETI - mujhe nahi pata PREM 

PREETI was feeling overwhelmed , she started tearing up 

PREM - aree kyun ro rahi ho baccha 

He started pacifying her and after some time she stopped crying 

SAPNA was already feeling sad , she wanted to cry , scream , she just wanted to take it all out of her chest , but she couldn't do it 

VINOD wasn't knowing what to do , her wife was going away , she didn't even tell her 

Well it was his fault , he was regretting everything , he let out all his frustration on her 

SAPNA has already left after bidding bye to everyone except him 

She didn't even glance at him 

Now his frustration was coming out in the form of tears 

As currently no one was in the house except him because PREM and PREETI went as PREETI wasn't feeling good SADHNA and his mother went to mandir and his father was already off to his office 

As VIVEK who was in the house , he was just passing by VINOD'S room he heard him sobbing 

So he decided to peek in 

He was right , VINOD was sobbing while holding his head 

So he went towards him and started pacifying him 

After a while he calmed down so VIVEK asked him what's the matter 

VINOD started telling him that a while ago ANURAG came to meet him and asked for some money 

At first VINOD was a bit hesitant but still agreed because in some or the other way he didn't wanted to ruin the relations 

Well the amount was quiet a lot and VINOD wasn't giving him from his pocket but the money which was taken from another company for some reason was given ANURAG 

As some time went by ANURAG started ignoring his calls , the other company started pressuring him for the money 

So here he is 

VIVEK asked the name of the company , and got to know that the owner of that company is his friend 

So VIVEK took VINOD with him to solve the matter 

And soon It was all sorted out 

After almost a month today finally VINOD felt like smiling , all the pressure was off his chest 

But soon that precious smile of his was again faded as he realized that his only solace , his love , his wife is not there 


I missed writing soo much guys 

Finally my exams are over now 


see you guys in the next one 

byee byee 

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