Chapter 2

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Will I meet him, again? That was the question that was stuck in Y/n's head. Seeing the people around her standing up, she didn't even bother to do the same. She had been in a lot of planes and knew that it would take some time till she could even step a foot forward. Little children around her couldn't stop smiling as they pulled on their parents hands, excited to have finally arrived in the city of love.

Looking at the children and parents around her made her realize once again how lonely she actually was. No one would go alone to Paris, mostly because of a bet. Y/n already considered herself as dumb because she agreed to such an careless idea. Yuta was probably having the biggest smile on his face at the moment, making the attractive woman do the weirdest things was probably his favourite thing to do. The thought of her best friend almost made the ends of her lips pull up but she held herself back, already being alone and smiling like an idiot wouldn't look that healthy which particularly made her remember her nephew.

The little kid loved everything that had something to do with the DC universe, he probably got it from his dad. Even as little kids Y/n and her brother, Byung-ho used to watch a lot of DC and Marvel movies, sometimes they even bought the comics which in fact costed a lot. They had a whole shelf full of DC and Marvel items, from action figures to the T-shirts. The two of them loved to argue about which one was better, sometimes it even came to little fist fights but they would all end with the siblings hugging each other in the end. They were inseparable, in fact they still are just the only difference would be that they can't spend that much time with each other anymore. They both went different directions as they grew older, her brother Byung-ho built a family that he loved more than anything else while Y/n... well... Y/n was Y/n.

The attractive woman didn't know what to do, it felt like something was holding her back. The more she tried, the worse it got. It wasn't like she was lazy or anything, it was probably because she's not as lucky as some other people. Luck, it was something that she questioned a lot next to the word "love". Being lucky wasn't something you could archieve, it suddenly came just as it left. She often remembered the lessons she had in school, religion was her favourite subject back then. It was fun and she knew that she wouldn't get judged by anyone, it felt like the subject was made for her. She was more than happy that she had Mr. Han as her religion teacher, the elderly men always talked about everything, from religion to politics. Even smaller subjects like, love or luck were talked about.

The differences between love always interested Y/n, it was often differenced in lust, interest and affection which would go into the category of being in love. Many people don't know the difference between interest and being in love, it annoyed the beautiful woman. Doing careless actions because you thought that it was love made her want to punch someone. Kind of ironic since she did probably the most careless desicion by going to Paris because of a bet. But if there was another topic that interested her then it was luck, the word luck is different for anyone. There isn't a right answer, it's individual for every person. Seeing lucky people made her feel jealous, it seemed unfair but the thought of her being jealous because someone was luckier than her, was immature. Immature in many ways, she shouldn't feel jealous over these things, maybe these people were actually kind and deserved it but well, that was debatable.

Just as she was in her thoughts, a little boy pointed at her as he whispered to his mom. "She looks lonely. Why isn't someone with her?" Her heart clenched at the little boys words. Do I really look that lonely? Even the thought of it made her want to ramm her head against a wall, questioning her loneliness was probably the worst thing she could think about. She went through lots of sleepless nights because of it, it was something that she just didn't want to think about. It only made her feel bad about herself and Y/n really didn't need that at the moment. "You know Dae-jung, just because you're alone doesn't mean that you're lonely. Some people like their privacy and alone time. Maybe she's happy with it, maybe she isn't but we can't know that" the words of the little boy's mom, made her want to thank her but she didn't, it would be weird if she suddenly thanked her for something like this.

The queue of people started to become less as she slowly stood up, it felt a bit weird to stand up after so many hours of sitting inside of a plane but notheless she stopped thinking about it. Being an overthinker wasn't the greatest thing, even the smallest things made her question everything and that was definitely not something she would recommend to anyone. Questions like, am I enough? Did I make someone upset? Should I finally start meeting new people? Questions like these seemed harmless but they were far away from that. Notheless, she sighed as she took her bag with her. The day didn't even start, yet and she was already overthinking. The flight attendants around them, bid everyone a "goodbye" as people slowly left the plane.

Once walking outside, Y/n was happy to finally get some fresh air. The flight itself was enjoyable because of the male that she had talked to some minutes ago.

Jaehyun, a name that would probably be stuck inside her head. The author was something else, he was mysterious yet so open about everything, it made him hard to read. Understanding the handsome male was easy but hard at the same time, even if they only met in the plane, she could already tell that Jaehyun was a unique person with a unique personality.

Taking her luggage with her needed some time, Y/n couldn't find the way and once she found it, the people around her made her feel suffocated. It was like something took her breath away but she was already used of it, the attractive woman never liked big crowds, it made her feel uncomfortable. It felt like she was out of place. Still trying to think positively, Y/n called a taxi and not even some minutes later, she was sitting inside of the car as she listened to the radio. Till now the beautiful woman was relieved that the people she had met could all speak English, not speaking french in literally France was probably gonna be her worst nightmare for this week but it was only gonna be seven days which was good. She had a high chance of winning this bet, a week to understand love would be impossible mostly for her.

The attractive woman was already thinking of all the ways she could tease Yuta once she won the bet and speaking of the devil, Yuta suddenly called her. Putting the phone near her ear, Yuta immediately bombarded her with questions. "Did you eat something? Was the flight to Paris, enjoyable?Did you miss me? Because I missed you-" rolling her eyes at her best friends last sentence, Y/n responded "No, I didn't eat anything and the flight was alright" the attractive woman was sure that her friend was jumping up and down at the moment, he was probably more than happy to hear Y/n's voice. "Did you miss me?" The desperate and hopefull tone in Yuta's voice made her stifle a giggle as she answered with "Yes, I missed you". The conversation continued with Yuta telling her that she shouldn't stay at the hotel the whole time as he recommended Y/n some places she could go to.

Taking a mental note of eveything, the attractive woman realized how exhausted she actually felt like. She tried her best to stay awake as she payed the taxi driver, with that she took her luggage and bag as she walked into the hotel her best friend had booked her. "Yuta, I'm at the hotel right now. Let's talk tomorrow, I'm really tired from the flight" being understanding, her best friend told her to rest as much as possible as he ended the call.

Once she put her phone inside her pocket, Y/n went up to the receptionist to get her keys. Again, she was relieved and happy that the receptionist could speak english. Without anything interesting happening, the beautiful woman jumped onto her bed, the feeling of the soft mattress and cushions made her fall asleep as the last thought she had for the day was, will I meet him, again?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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