She: The She legacy

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When She found a rat, the rat urinated and defecated and ran away. After the rat had ran away, She hastily crouched down and picked up the defecation and put it in her mouth. A month after that happened, She felt an itching sensation in her ear.

When she went to scratch it, a maggot fell out. She was horrified. She rushed to the hospital and the receptionist was very calm about everything. She checked her in and she was rushed to the ER and they began surgery on She.

After the surgery, there were precisely 23 maggots on the ground and she broke a window and left the hospital without paying.

The receptionist saw what happened and she was very calm indeed. Infact, the receptionist was slightly happy, to say the least, about a woman wearing cyan clothes getting an operation and jumping out of the hospital window (breaking it) and not even paying for the surgery.

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