Funner House

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Esmeralda's POV:

Mom told me that they were having 'girls night out' so Joey would be looking after us. I ran upstairs when mom texted me. She said she needed help with makeup. I helped her pick eyeshadow and what to use. I smiled at her and helped her pick a dress.
'You look great! Now go ahead and knock them all dead!'

I headed to my room and started drawing. It was becoming one of my top hobbies to draw out plans for my moms party just so she has a good idea how it'll look when she sets it up.

I hurried to the banner when they called me, though I kept drawing since I was so focused on this one particular drawing. I wanted to draw something fun I drew a fruit bowl. It was going to be extremely bright.

'Okay remember guys you need to—'
'Yeah, yeah brush your teeth, do your homework, don't play with matches, blah-blah-blah.' Stephanie cut DJ off dragging her away.

'Bye Mom, Steph and Deej!' I shouted happily to them. They all waved back and said bye. We all walked off whilst they were leaving. I sat back at my desk but quickly ran downstairs.

'Hi Joey! I can put Tommy to bed upstairs if you want?' I asked.

'Thank you Esme! At least you aren't obsessed with your device- sorry I've got a text one minute!' Joey replied.
I giggled and picked Tommy up.

I head upstairs with him.
'Is it story time for Tommy? Yes it is! Yes it is!' I said merrily. I sat down with him and gave him a bottle. It wasn't too big since Tommy had a big dinner.

In the light of the moon
A little egg lay on a leaf
One Sunday morning
The warm sun came up and-pop!
Out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar
He started to look for some food
On Monday he ate through 1 apple
But he was still hungry
On Tuesday
He ate through 2 pears
But he was still hungry
On Wednesday
He ate through 3 plums
but he was still hungry
On Thursday he ate through-

I down from the book when I heard snoring. Tommy was fast asleep. I put the book away and stood up. I held Tommy close and carefully put him in his crib.

I heard faint screaming from downstairs so I grabbed the monitor and a silly string can before slowing heading downstairs. I know perfectly well that Joey had sucked the kids into the world of...pranking.

I saw Jackson's head peep above the couch and give Max and Ramona a 10 seconds count down.

I hurriedly sprayed them all.
'AHHHHH!' They screamed, Jackson had the most high pitched scream that I laughed so hard that I tumbled down the stairs.

'Oh, my God! Are you okay?' They all screamed. They all stopped when I sprayed them still laughing.

I was still laughing even when they sprayed me. I heard the door bell and went to stand up. The problem was...when tried to walk I fell over again and continued to laugh...I think I was a little drunk.

The whole house looked like crap but I still couldn't walk.

They all went to the door for 'pizza'. I knew it was Joey these children are so gullible. Whilst they answered the door I grabbed the biggest weapon and headed upstairs.

I grabbed a huge water gun but I wasn't filling it with water. I was filling it with food dye.

I ran downstairs so quick that it felt like it was in slow-motion. I sprayed them all getting the house a little more than expected. Once I finished, I ran straight for the kitchen, knowing Joey was there.

'I propose an alliance!' I said before he could prank me.
'Let's do it.' He said holding out his hand. We shook hands and listened through the door.

We made a plan. They would think we were heading into the front door when really it was the girls getting back from their 'girls night out'.
They would slime them and not us.

We smirked at our plan. Once we saw an Uber pull up we snook around the house making them think that we are going to walk through the door. But'll be the girls.
We heard yelps and smirked at each other.
'Boom!' I yelled walking through the door with Joey.

'Beautiful plan gone horribly wrong.'
'How rude.' Steph said angrily.

'In our defence, we never thought it'd work this well.' Jackson said giving Ramona a high-five. 'By the way, Esme, that food colouring prank was genius!' He said holding up his hand. I gave him a high-five too.

'Anyways, how was your night?' I asked smiling.

'I had so much fun making a mess. I think I have a dark side.'

'Oh DJ Tommy fell asleep on Thursday. And finished his bottle on Wednesday.' I told Deej. She knew what I was talking about because she has a schedule on what book Tommy has on certain nights.

When they all started asking Joey what the hell happened to the house he interrupted them. I would've heard but I heard Tommy making little cries on the baby monitor. 'I've got it Deej!' I yelled running up the stairs.

'Hi man! What's up?' I asked Tommy picking him up. I gave him a bit more of his bottle and he was out like a light bulb.

I twisted his mobile that sang a slow and quiet Elvis song. Trust Jesse to get him that. It was surprisingly soothing. So soothing that I fell asleep in the rocking chair that night.

A little short but there weren't many scenes with the kids so I added some with Tommy so she can form a bond with everyone. I'll see you guys later! Bye bye.
1000 words

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