the party 🎉

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Harry pov
So today is Selena party and me and justin are getting dressed guys why can't you pick something and put it on!! ugh!! zayn said we just wanna look good for girls at party it's not everyday you get to see harry styles and Justin Bieber justin said and we are single we can mingle i add yeah just get ready soon or we are gonna be late liam said okay okay me and justin said at the same time after 20minutes we were done

When we arrived at the party the boys went their own way because they saw little mix and wanted to meet them justin and i started looking for selena and taylor that when i heard jusin say Hot!! i look at him confused then i follow his eyes and all i could say was damn

When i look at the skinny one with brunette hair all i could think is hot hot hot she looked so beautiful and hot with out even trying harry Justin!!! some one said snapping me out of my thoughts i look to see the boys looking at justin confused then they follow his eyes and froze damn am getting hard i heard louis say but i just couldn't take my eyes off her after 5min of staring at them we finally came back to our sense is this party meant for seducing people zayn said and we all started laughing harry Justin liam niall zayn louis!!!! we turn around to see who was talking and it was taylor and selena they looked hot but for some reason i can't get that girl out of my head

Hi guys justin said but by the look on his face his mind is else were

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