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Hi, this is the author. I am gonna make this simple.

After vanished for about a year (?) i dont know haha, I finally look back to this account. I definitely have abandoned this story, Bangtan Academy 2 : The Daredevils. I said it will be publish as a book.

Well forget everything. I am CONTINUING the story. I am giving it the ending it deserve and seeing you guys loving the story, it warmed my heart. You guys are my source of motivation and I love you guys so much ❤

Another surprise is, the story doesn't stop at season 2. There will be Season 3, which is the Finale of Bangtan Academy. The title will not be revealed yet. But, you can expect it around the end of the year. I cannot promise anything but I can say I will finishing season 2 and start season finale before 2022.

I also might took some hiatus to write the whole Season 3, and publish it schedulely.

thank you.

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