-Chapter Nineteen- Aron

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Hey, long time no see! Here's an extra long chapter to make up for my extra long hiatus. Enjoy!

Being blindfolded wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Admittedly, it was hard not seeing things. My body was constantly on edge; every rustle of the forest sounded like something coming to attack. When I heard the girl behind me move too quickly, I expected her to pull a knife. I hated not knowing what was coming.

But, at least I didn't have to deal with anything. All I needed to do was move my feet, one foot in front of the other, and the girl would nudge my shoulder in the right direction. If anything came to attack, I was surrounded by obviously skilled fighters that would destroy the enemy in seconds. It seemed that I was safe, yet in danger at the same time.

The walk was fairly peaceful, until she started talking. She had a nice voice. It was slightly raspy and confident, as if she was used to giving orders at all times of the day. I could barely say the same about her personality though. Every other word out of her mouth just seemed excessively bossy to me, and if the walk continued any longer, I was going to lose it.

"What business would someone like you have there anyway?" Before I could answer, she added, "You don't look that important."

I rolled my eyes, which no one could see because of the blindfold. "Thanks. And, again, it's something that I'm glad I don't have to deal with anymore."

Deep inside, I knew that was a lie. I didn't have to deal with it for the moment. King Maxamillion was a slimy, tricky person. If he didn't see success soon, he would definitely find a way to make it happen, and my death would be included in that plan.

"Vague much," I heard the girl mutter. She gripped my right shoulder and angled me slightly to the left. I followed her direction and just kept walking.

We walked for a long time. Though it was slow, I could feel the sun dying as it set into the horizon. I apparently wasn't allowed to forget the layers upon layers of clothing I was wearing, even after the sun had set. My forehead itched with sweat, which was probably soaking into the blindfold. Multiple times I fought the urge to glance behind me when things got too quiet, searching for someone, before I remembered that I couldn't see.

After what I guessed were hours, some chatter started up in the front of the group. "We'll be home soon," said a deeper male voice, "We can handle the materials if you've got the prisoner."

From behind me, the girl spoke up "Yeah, I can handle him. There's not really much to handle." The remark was followed with a small shove, which I was not expecting. I stumbled a bit and nearly toppled to the ground when my foot caught on a shallow root. "My point exactly," she finished with a laugh.

"Where is home, exactly?" I asked.

"What do you think the blindfold is for?"

I sighed silently. There really was no reasoning with her. Not that I wanted to, but if I ever needed to, it wouldn't be happening.

The ground beneath my feet morphed from uneven and hard, with the occasional tree root, to a crunchier, more solid texture. We were walking on gravel now, which made it a lot easier to hear everyone's footsteps. A voice called out, "Hey!" and the sound of approaching footsteps followed.

The male voice from earlier spoke up ahead of us, "Hey, Melrose! What are you doing over here?"

A bubbly, youthful voice replied, "I was just waiting for you guys to come back! I've been checking in a few times everyday to see if you've come home and-" They finished with a loud gasp, then whispered, "Karter?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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