𝟶𝟼 𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

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It feels like the sun rise faster that morning. Jimin woke up by the sound of her faint sobbing. Furrow his eyebrow, he grabs his throbbing head and trying to sit up while open his eyes to look around him. Soon his eyes gaze fell on her who hugging her own knees while crying not so far from where he was. Her bare shoulder didn't go unnoticed by him then the realization hits him harder when he checks his own situation. He was shirtless and the only thing that cover his body was the bedsheets.

"M-Miss Olivia, w-what happened last night?" Olivia was flinched at his sudden hoarse voice, her lips were sealed but her eyes speaks the language that Jimin understood very well. "W-We did it, b-but how- w-why I don't remember?" his sentence makes her sob even louder while Jimin grew even confused.

"Y-You would blame me by now since you don't remember anything a-and I understand it. D-Don't worry I won't tell anyone else. Y-You can leave and pretend there's nothing happened, Prince."

"No. It's not like that, I wanted to know what happened, please. Tell me." Jimin moves closer to her and caress her hand to assure her that it's okay to tell him. He needs to know what actually happened.

"L-Last night, after I treated your wounds, you were thirsty and asking for some beers. I offer you some beers and you insisted that I should have some too. We ended up getting drunk a-and you came to me, saying you were so stress lately and asked me to help you. T-that's how w-we ended up on bed. I-"

"Shit! You should've stop me, why y-"

"I-I didn't stop you because I wanted to help you a little b-but I didn't expect that you're unstoppable when you already started it. I-I just-" she was shivering and Jimin couldn't bear to see the view so, slowly but sure he embraces her trembling figure in his arms and pat her head softly.

"It's okay. Don't worry, I'm not some heartless jerk. I will take responsibility if you get pregnant, okay? Don't worry and come to me if something happens."

"A-Are you sure?" She stopped her sobbing for a while and pull away to see him and his sincerity from his eyes.

"Yes, don't hesitate and come to me."


Two months has passed since that incident but Jimin never heard from her anymore. His eyes might not see her figure but she never leaves his mind, the view of how fragile she looks that morning leave impression in him. He hasn't realized it yet but he has been constantly thinking about her.

"Howon, what's the recent news about Miss Olivia? Is there something unusual happened?" Jimin was in the middle of checking some reports in his study room when he questioned Howon.

"Oh right, Prince I'm sorry I haven't informed you yet but yesterday, Miss Olivia visited a doctor in the morning, then she went straight to her house and didn't leave until this morning w-"

"WHAT?" Jimin sat up from his chair abruptly before running away leaving Howon dumbfounded behind.

"Miss Olivia, we need to talk." Jimin muttered with his deep and low voice along with his darkened gaze.

She glances at her surrounding and gulping before turning to Jimin who suddenly barged in her part-time working place. "B-but I need to work, I can't leave." She whispers back, rather quietly with apologetic looks.

"I don't like to hear a no as an answer. Come out in five before I drag you by myself." Jimin whispers back before leaving her.

In less than five minutes, Olivia came out in a rush but before she could say anything, Jimin open his car's door and push her gently inside before he jogs around to the driver seat.

"What happened?" Jimin asked, still with the same gaze.

"W-What's with the what happened? You're the one who come here and-"

"Didn't I told you not to be hesitate and come to me? Why you need to hide it from me?" Jimin's next question caught her off guard.

"H-How could you know?"

"Did you forget that I'm a Prince? I can get any information that I want with a snap on my finger. Now tell me, why would you hide it from me?" Even though the news of her pregnancy surprised him, he was expecting it but the fact that she tried to hide it from him didn't sit right with him. He wants to know her reasons why.

"I-I didn't want to give burden to you. I understand if you don't want this child but I want to keep it, I don't want to abort it, s-so please-"

"Olivia, listen." Jimin was fast to caught her hands who tried to escaped from him. "I never said I want to abort it, didn't I? I told you I will take responsibility and I mean everything I said. That's my child too and you can't hide them from me. We will raise them together."

"R-Really? Y-You mean it?"

"Yes, I mean it. Now, you can't go back to work anymore, you're going to live with me."

"W-Wait, what??"


"Are you sure about it?"

"Yes, Prince. She's pregnant and now she's finally going to live with that bastard."

"I'm gonna kill him with my bare hands for ruining my family!"


Who's the so called Prince ? 😏

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