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Waking up to the delightful light of the morning sun, I smile to myself reminding myself that today is the day of my Fathers annual Ball, the day that I finally get to enjoy myself and not thinking about how my father is in fact a cold hearted murder who sometimes I feel like murdering in cold blood, but insane how at these particular balls he finally puts his killing at peace.

My first thought is what to wear, as my 'dear' father says,'You must ALWAYS look presentible around our family.'

Climbing out of my bed, I hear a knock on my bedroom door, as I open it my baby brother comes staggering in. "ANNEEEEEE" he screams, "What do u want u crazy idiot?" I said tiredly, "Well that's not very kind is it?" He says whilst making apount face,I role my eyes and sigh. "OK what's the real reason you're hear?"
"Dad said I could help you pick out your dress for the ball!"

"Please don't chose something that looks like its been drowned in glitter."
"I won't, don't u worry big sis I'm such a fashion icon!"


He grabs my wrist and tugs me into my wardrobe where picks out a long email green dress with a slit in the leg

"Impressive." I sigh, "Ugh your boring anyways I'm gonna go get me some foooodddd." He says as he strolls out of my room. I feel like a shower, as I tie my silky black hair up into a bun I start the water.


Groaning I doily wake up from my restless sleep, Scratching my chest I reach for my phone seeing a text from her. 'Are you home Damon?'


I start to walk over to my bathroom as I just remember what is happening today, The Morreti Ball.

I honestly don't feel like attending but this year, is the year where there's going to be a auction.



"Now you will be part of the auction Anne Because you need to be with someone instead of staggering around my house like the worthless girl you are." My father sniggers,"Why though I don't really feel like getting sold to some old wrinkly man who will probably stink!" I groan.

My Fathers smirk soon fades as he walks over to me, fear rushes through me as he's pushes me up against the wall, smashing glass falling all over me."YOU WILL PARTICIPATE BECUASE I'M THE LEADER OF THIS HOUSEHOLD AND THE LEADER OF YOU SO YOU WILL JOIN IN YOU LITTLE BITCH!"


I feel hot tears brim up to my eyes, I try to hold them back the best I can but I just can't help it, I stomp out of his office and run straight to the garden. As soon as I step out in the fresh air I feel safe, relived without a fear in the world.

After I left the garden I went straight up to my bedroom to vet dressed, just as I finish of the realisation has just kicked in that I'm never gonna see this place again,all the memories gone , for good...


"ALEX!" I bark, he comes sliding in as I just finish spraying my colonge,"have you gotten the room ready for the girl?" I ask having way more attention to myself then anyone else. "Yes it's all ready and prepared, you ready to go boss." I smirk at the feeling of having my very own little slave that I can use whenever I desire.

I stride out of my room and towards the limozine that us parked outside of my house,"ready boss?" Alex asks as I nod my head, The car sets of down the drive and pleasure buzzes through me as I'm so ready to meet my little whore.

Hi guys I'm new so I don't really know how to create a storyline so I will try to get out the next part in a few hours so if another writers could please give me some tips in the comments then I would really appreciate it. Bye bitchs😙

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