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Ladies and gentlemen. I have a announcement to make about the penguins of Madagascar oc. This is a very important news to say........ hang on. Where is it? I need that thing to share my announcement.

Please tell me it's not at the bottom?

it's at the bottom, isn't it? [ long annoyed sigh ] yep...

* music *

Well, well, well. If it's isn't Dave, my old friend.

Welcome home...siren.

If you want to find the answers about your past




In the north wind, we don't need people.

We just need help get paper paid off.


What's happening to me?

But this has everything to do with me?! Why is Dr. Blowhole after me? Why is my power going out of hand? Why do I have these strange visions popping up that felt so real

Like there were memories?

Don't worry hope.

We will figure this out.

I promise.

Never lose hope ( sequel penguins of Madagascar oc) final novel

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Never lose hope ( sequel penguins of Madagascar oc)
final novel.

Lost north wind ( prequel to penguins of Madagascar. oc )Where stories live. Discover now