Nick X Reader

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I decided to give Nick some love. More Ellis coming soon!

Dialougue, as usual.

You smashed in a stray Infected's skull with the butt of your gun, watching blood and small chunks of brains spatter onto your boots. You were sick and tired of being dirty. You were sick and tired of being hungry. You were sick and tired of being sick and tired. You wiped a bit of sweat from your brow, wiping a mix of cold blood and dirt onto your skin in the process. You sighed as you fell back into step with the group, waiting for Nick to make some snide comment, as he always did. 

"What's the matter, princess? Get a little blood on your precious shoes?" 

He didn't let you down. Your grip on your gun slightly tightened, ignoring him the best you could. You had dealt with the gambler for what seemed like years at this point, yet he still found a way to get on your nerves. 

"At least I'm not worried about my beautiful $3000 suit." 

Nick just scoffed a bit, glancing back at you. He smirked at the way your jaw tightened, more than amused that he was pissing you off. 

"This jacket alone is worth more than you ever will be, sweetheart." 

Your pace slowed a bit, giving the man a death glare. You were ready to shoot him in the leg and leave him for dead as a free meal for the Infected, and your body responded to those thoughts as your finger edged towards the trigger of your shotgun. 

"C'mon, Nick, leave 'er alone." 

Oh, he was lucky Ellis cared. Your finger fell from the trigger as you sped up to fall into step with Ellis. You walked close to him, smiling faintly as he wrapped a loose arm around your shoulders. You were older than him, by nearly ten years, but he was like the little brother you never wanted. 

"Thanks, Overalls." 

He just shot you his trademark grin, in which you happily returned. Little did you know, though, a pang of jealousy hit Nick head-on. Why did you always have to be so close to him?


You groaned as you simply lied down on the floor of the safehouse. You had just patched up a rather nasty wound that was so kindly caused by a Hunter, and you hurt like Hell. Nick nudged your side with his foot as he walked by, and you hissed in pain. 

"Watch it, asshole..!" 

He just glanced down at you as he set his empty pistol on the table, rifling through the pile of ammo to find some more bullets. 

"What's the matter, cupcake? Did I get mud on your pretty little shirt?" 

You snarled a bit in annoyance, shutting your eyes. The light was almost dizzying and far too bright. 

"If you don't shut your goddamn mouth, I'm gonna acquaint it with my fist." 

Nick started to reload the magazine of his pistol. 

"I wouldn't want to ruin your manicure. I'll bet you begged your daddy for it, huh?"

A silence settled in the room as you tensed a bit. How dare he bring up your family. Your fingers curled into fists as you gritted your teeth. You felt your hand tremble a bit, and you desperately tried to control your anger. 

"I hate you..." 

Nick slid the magazine back into his pistol, glancing back at you as you lie on the cold, hard floor. 

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