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You ran through the streets excitedly, hitting people on their sides and apologizing after, it felt like you were preparing for the best day of your life, but you didn't know why, sure you guys were friends, but you weren't sure why you were so excited, you slowed down on your steps, and you started to think,
Do him..?


You managed to pick out a decent outfit, you didn't style too much, knowing you're just hanging out with Pietro, it's probably gonna get messed up one way or another, you wore a Brown jacket with a black neck line, and black ends of sleeves, you wore a kinda tight white shirt, you felt as if you flexed your biceps the sleeves would pop, you wore black pants with white sneakers, your build wasn't that bad, you weren't skinny, and you weren't too fat, it was like the perfect amount of fat to make the perfect amount of muscle, almost exactly similar to Pietro, "This shirt feels like it's bear hugging me to death" you muttered to yourself, you looked at the time and saw that it was 7:30pm, your eyes widen at the sudden realization, it took you an hour to get ready, and you walked out the door, starting your walk towards the tower to see Pietro


As soon as you entered the tower, Friday greeted you well, "Good evening sir, might I ask why you're here at this point of time?", "Oh, hey, Friday, Pietro invited me over, said he wanted to hang out" you replied, "Very well sir, have fun. And might I suggest to take deep breaths", you were confused at first, so you asked her, "Why?", "Your heartbeat is fast, sir, have you been running. If not this might suggest a feeling of-" you cut him off, "YES!, I- I-ve been, uh, running", you said nervously, "very well then, sir", "Thank you"

As the elevator door opened to Pietro's floor, you nervously looked around if anyone saw you, hoping they wouldn't be suspicious of you, as you walked out, you jumped to a hand getting placed on your shoulder, "AH!", you turned around and smacked it, "Ow, rude, anyone ever taught you to respect your elders", it was Tony, wearing his usual shirt and track pants, with his arc reactor glowing through the thin fabric of his shirt, "Oh my god, Tony, I'm so sorry, I-", you were cut off by Tony asking you a question, "What are you doing here this late, Agent (Y/N).", You looked at him nervously, like he would kill you if you said anything wrong and you started to stutter, it wasn't like he was intimidating, you were bigger than him, but you still feared the beams he would shoot out, "I- Uhm, uhhhh...", "Go on, spit it out" Tony said
You thought to yourself, JUST DO IT, ITS NOT LIKE HE LIKES YOU BACK, COME ON, YOU CAN DO THIS, you gathered yourself again and had the courage to say the words, "I'm-", but you were cut off by Pietro, saying "He's here to see me.", He was standing right behind you for God knows how long, you felt a chill down your spine when you realized he could've heard your stutter and it embarrassed you, "How long have you been there?" Tony asked, "Just enough time to hear your question, why?, Didn't see that coming?", Tony rolled his eyes and sighed

then he looked at you again, "Wait, you two are seeing each other?, As in, you're dating?", Your face turned as red a tomato while maintaining eye to eye contact with Tony, and your stance became more stiff, your back straightened, your hands went inside your pockets and you faced the wall so you couldn't see his eyes, Pietro chuckled at the question, "I guess you could say that.", Adding a giggle at the end, "Didn't know you swung that way, what're you 2 love birds up to?", LOVE BIRDS...? LOVE BIRDS???????, You thought to yourself. You two weren't even dating, you weren't even sure if he liked you, or if you liked him, "Just gonna hang out, watch a movie and whatnot"

You were surprised that Pietro didn't even deny the fact that Tony said you were Love birds, so he, it can't be, he can't, he's straighter than a stick in epoxy, you thought to yourself, you looked at him with a baffled face, he looked back at you, you stared into his Blue eyes, and he stared into your beautiful (e/c) orbs, it felt like you were supposed to do something, but Pietro shook his head, and said "C'mon let's go, we're going to my room.", He grabbed your hand and he sped through the hallways to his room, it sent you into shock, and your breathing instantly got faster as soon as you stopped, it felt like swimming in air, but you couldn't breathe, you dropped to one knee, planting your right hand to the floor, the other on your raised knee, panting, "You could've gave me a warning?" You said in the middle of your panting, Pietro just chuckled and opened the door. As you went in you saw that it was neat and clean, he had a plain bed with white covers and white pillows, a big window giving you city views, his room was rather, wide, considering he likes running around, it was perfect for him, you gasped at amazement at the design, it was so nice, it felt warm inside, he definitely prepared for this, "c'mon." He said already at the couch feet on the coffee table, facing the Television, he had a 60 inch Tv on the wall, you walked towards it. And then the fun began, "And so it begins" you said, sighing loudly as you sat on the couch, "What do you want to watch?", Pietro asked, "Anything, you can pick", Pietro smiled at that, and decided to pick Men in Black 3

About 3/4 of the way through the movie you fell asleep, because you felt exhausted after work, and you weren't able to sleep properly last night, you fell into slumber, not knowing what your body was doing, your head fell onto Pietro's shoulder, he looked at you confused and shook his shoulder thinking you were awake, when he saw you were asleep, he smiled, and put his hand over your shoulder, you were now laying on his chest. As the movie finished Pietro got sleepy as well, he turned off the TV and wanted to go to bed, but you were already asleep, and he was too tired to walk you home, so he decided to take you to his bed instead, putting you beneath the covers, and seeing you fast asleep put a smile on his face, "I wish I could see this more often", he whispered to himself, he got in on the other side, he wasn't expecting what happened to happen, you went beside him and layed on his chest again, he could only smile and hope it wasn't a dream, "Thanks for keeping me Company" he whispered while he swept his hands across your face and rubbed your cheek, "Goodnight" he whispered, as he fell asleep into the night, with you by his side


You woke awake to the sun glaring at your face, you squinted your eyes and rubbed them and let them adjust to the blinding lights, you noticed a figure beside you, you were hugging it, as your eyes adjusted to the light, you saw it, it was Pietro, fast asleep, you smiled, as he looked so peaceful while sleeping, like the world could be ending and he'd still be sleeping through it, you thought to yourself, so maybe he does like me...and maybe I do like him too..

Hey guys so UhM hehe, hope u guys like that one, even though nobody's read the other one yet, but you know, gotta stay positive

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