A bit of work, and a bit of Pietro

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You were now at your apartment with Pietro after your lovely and peaceful walk on the sidewalk, you let go of his hand to grab the keys in your bag, but Pietro looked at you with a saddened face, asking why you let go, you chuckled at the silver haired man, "Pietro, I need to get the keys, it's not like Im going to run away, in fact it would be impossible for me to run away from you", "cause you love me?" Pietro responded with a smile growing on his face, "No, cause you have super speed", you giggled, Pietro was pouting at the fact that you didn't agree that you loved him, you smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek to make him feel better, "Better?" You asked, Pietro nodded with a smile as a response, "Now stop pouting or I'll never get this door open", you chuckled.

And finally you opened the door, as you entered, Pietro used his super speed to go through every room in only a nick of time, "I like the place" he said in a joyful voice, "But I liked it better when you were with me", you blushed at him as he leaned on the door frame in front of you, he leaned in, but you pushed him off, "Later, ok?", He was pouting again, "But I-" he was cut off mid way by you "uh uh uh, you told me you'd only watch me do my work, did you not", "ugh, yessss.." Pietro said in a annoyed tone, you two walked to your room where your office was, he raced you there, knowing you had no chance, you didn't even try to run for it.

As you got to your office he was already sitting in your chair beside your desk, he was turned around not facing you, he then slowly turned around to face you, his fingers entangled on his own, he said "You're late. Do you know why I sent you here." He said in a stern and low voice, you chuckled, and Pietro burst out laughing at the same time, "Stop it you goof, I have work", "Fineee" he responded with a groan, "can I atleast get this chair closer to you", he was referring to the 2nd chair in front of your desk, for guests, "Yeah, sure" you said as you opened up the files to do some work, Pietro leaned in on the desk and had his hands on his chin, smiling at you while you worked, you giggled "What are you doing", "I'm adoring my Boyfriend, what does it look like", you blushed and giggled at the reply, He's so sweet, he's sweeter than his damn candy, you thought to yourself as you stared into his majestic blue eyes, "What are You doing" he mocked you, you giggled at the statement and decided to say the same thing he said, "I'm adoring my Boyfriend, what does it look like" and smiled, he couldn't help but smile at you.

He felt so at peace with you, it's like all the his problems we're erased, gone, deleted, everything felt amazing with you, the way you talked sounded like music to his ears, the way you'd smile felt like he was experiencing the best moment of his life, you were everything he wanted, everything.

Somehow, fate gave you this chance, and you knew you weren't going to waste it, you were gonna make it the happiest relationship you've ever been.

"Will you allow me to do something", he asked, "Specifically, do what?", You were curious at what he was going to do, if he planned on burning the apartment down as a prank, you'd definitely say no. "Just say yes, please" he said, giving you puppy eyes, "Fineee" you felt defeated, but nothing's a loss when it comes to him, you knew every moment with him would be a long lasting memory, as you said fine you felt a gust of wind again, indicating he has used his speed, you didn't notice what he had done till you felt his arms around your waist, he quickly moved you so you two could share the chair, so he could hug you while you worked, "Aww, that's sweet" you said in a affectionate voice, his hugs felt warm, it got you through the cold atmosphere the night brought, he rested his head on the crevice of your neck, as he watched you do your work.


Time went by pretty quickly, Pietro had fallen asleep while hugging you on the chair, and you were just about done for the past 3 week's worth of work, you sighed and looked at your phone for the time, "Damn, it's already 1 a.m." you mumbled, you wanted to go to bed, but you didn't want to wake Pietro up, but you had to, "Psst, Pietro.." you whispered, "Pietro", he wasn't even moving "PIETRO!", He jumped at the tone of your voice, and looked confused, "huh what, why.." he said in a sleepy voice, "Pietro it's already 1a.m., go home, Love", "Huh..it is..?" You can tell he still wanted to sleep, but he had to go home, they needed him there, who knows what emergency mission could happen, "Yes, you gotta go home", "I don't want to.. I'll sleep here", "on the chair?" You asked, a bit confused, "No..I wanna sleep with you, on your bed this time..." He replied, still tired, "But-", he suddenly stood up grabbed you bridal style and sped through the room and brought you to the bed, "No. Sleep. Now." He mumbled as he hugged you underneath the blankets, you just smiled at his action, he entangled one of his hands in yours as you slept, and once again, you were in bed with Pietro.

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