Chapter 7 | Nonsense

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Lorelei counts vocally as she passes the last marked tree.

It was now evening time as the sky now dimmed with the pink, purple, and orange hues replacing the daily blue. The animals were returning to their burrows and nests, the racoons and foxes got ready to roam the night.

It was quiet. Subtle wind blew through, and the small twigs under her feet made a slight crunch sound. However, Lorelei's thoughts were anything but quiet.

Why did I agree to meet with him? What was I thinking?! I mean sure he's attractive but I only know his name. How do I know if he's a good person or if he's planning to kidnap me? No one will notice I'm gone, maybe Miss Aveen but that's a stretch. Wait, what if he's a thief and he plans to mug me? How would a commoner have such a beautiful and valuable pendant? But he did tell me that I left my book...He wouldn't need to tell me if he was just planning to mug me. And if he was planning to, why would he give me something like this? People are so difficult.

As she was still questioning everything that occurred earlier, she accidentally ran into a low branch. Hitting the top of her head, causing her to snap out of her thoughts.

"Ouch..." she rubbed her forehead a little, relieved that it wasn't going to leave a bump. Though it still hurts nonetheless.

She chose to focus on going home quickly since the sun was setting faster than she had anticipated. Skipping down the narrow dirt path until her cottage was within sight. The sheep were already in their pens as were the chicken in their coops.

Lorelei walked into the house and locked the door behind her. First she went to the kitchen to place down the lavender basket. She decided to start the long process tomorrow since it was already night. Then, ate a small fruit salad with water since she didn't have much of an appetite.

When finished, the sun had already set and the house became dark. She lit her candle lantern and used the light to go to her bedroom. Getting ready for bed, she put on a light nightgown with long sleeves and lifted her plush covers.

She placed the candle lantern on the nightstand so she could climb onto her bed and get comfortable enough to sleep under the bedding. Once she was warm and snug, she blew out her candle and allowed the darkness and the crickets chirping to consume her senses and lull her to sleep.


Lorelei woke up a bit earlier than usual, it was a light gray outside at that time. She thought about just going back to sleep since she was actually enjoying her dream of eating pastries in a tranquil prairie under a tree. Though she was already too alert to be able to enter the dream again so she reluctantly slid off her bed.

The cold air hit her and she wished she could just kick the coldness away if it were possible. Lorelei was never a fan of the cold. She could endure it, just to a certain extent. With her small blanket wrapped around her tightly, she walked to her wardrobe and grabbed her cream colored dress. It was a long sleeved dress with ruffles at the end and a square neckline. Lace decorated the torso area vertically and ended at the rib line. She paired it with some simple brown flats and pinned the pendant Jay gave her in the center of her neckline.

Since the cold still affected her during the early morning. She slid on her warm robe and tied it in the middle. Adding another feeling of warmth. Lori went to her vanity and brushed her messy hair. Today she went with a single braid that travels down her back and added some small flower accessories throughout her whole braid. After pinning the last flower into her hair, she entered the kitchen and brewed some coffee and started dipping bread into cinnamon cream to make french toast. One of her personal favorites.

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