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          After our fight, Brinleigh and I walked back to the garage, my arm over her shoulder and hers around my waist. It felt good to get that talk out of the way. But I was not looking forward to dealing with the guys and their countless questions and ribbing. But if I had learned anything in the past hour, Brinleigh was not one to take any shit off anyone. She would no doubt shut any of the guys down who asked questions that she didn't want to answer. 

“You know the guys are going to give me hell right?” I said as we neared the garage. 

“Yeah. and you deserve every bit of it. But don't worry, I’ll shut em up if they get too out of hand.” she said, smiling up at me. I couldn't help myself. I leaned down and placed a kiss on top of her head. 

“So I see the coroner ain’t needed.” said Gabe as we entered the garage. 

“Nah, we got it sorted out.” said Brinleigh. “Where’s Uncle Ryan?” 

“Out at the pit box. Race is about to start and he wanted to check on his guy and make sure his head was in the game.” said Ryder. 

“Okay.” said Brinleigh. “Come on Chase.”

          Taking my hand, she began leading us towards the pit boc where Ryan was.

“What are you doing Brin?” I asked.

“Going to find Uncle Ryan.” she said. 

“But why do I need to be with you? That man will fire me on the spot.” I said.

“No he won’t. Not if I tell him not to.” She said, smiling up at me. I swear she had the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen. “Plus, if we are going to give this thing between us a fair shot, we can't be sneaking around behind people’s backs. That just feels grimy.”
She has a point man...

“Oh it's like that huh? Got Uncle Ryan wrapped around your finger?” I said playfully. 

“Since the day I was born. Plus, it helps that I know enough shady shit he’s done that he will do whatever I want him to in order to keep the peace with his family.” said Brinleigh. Which only made me wonder just how big of a douche Ryan Newman was.

          When we reached the pit box, I saw Ryan chatting with someone who was sitting inside of his race car. I was so nervous about how he was going to react to Brinleigh and I showing up together that I didn't even know what to say. It was as if I had lost all my ability to form a single thought. 

“Hey babyduck!” yelled Ryan, causing Brinleigh to run into his arms. “What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow sometime.” 

“I know. I got in last night. I decided to come out early and hang out with the guys.” said Brinleigh.

“I heard that. Speaking of, excuse me. I see one of my guys now. I'll only be a minute” said Ryan, seeing me walking towards him.

“Uncle Ryan, that’s why I'm here. I want you to meet my new beau.” Brinleigh said, following him and grabbing his wrist. 

“Your what?” Ryan asked, his excitement as seeing his niece now gone and replaced with what looked to be anger. 

“You heard what I said. This is Chase, my new beau.” Brinleigh said, wrapping her arms around my waist and hugging me. 

“You're fucking fired!” roared Ryan. In the NASCAR world, Ryan was know as a hot-head. I could see now why.

          Shit! I knew this was going to happen. If I lost this job, how the hell would Brinleigh and I ever have a shot at making this work. If I lost this job, what the hell was I going to tell my mom when I had to move back in with her. 
          Unwrapping her arms from around me, I watched as Brinleigh stepped right up to her uncle just like she had me not even an hour ago. Once again, I couldnt help but think she was sexy when she was mad or being defensive.

“Uncle Ryan, you can't fire him. He didn't come on to me. In fact, he tried to stay away from me because he knew that you would fire him. It was me that pursued him.” said Brinleigh.

“It's my crew and I’ll do as I damn well please.” seethed Ryan. 

“No you won't. Because you want to keep up that perfect family image.” Brinleigh said. 

“You're going to blackmail me so that your boyfriend can keep his job?” asked Ryan.

“Yeah. I am.” said Brinleigh. “And I never gave us the term boyfriend/girlfriend. We're just seeing how this goes.”

          I watched as Ryan processed what Brinleigh was saying. The need to keep up his perfect family image must have outweighed any protectiveness he was feeling as far as his niece was concerned. 
I wonder what dirt she has on him?

“If I see her shed a single tear over you, you're out of here so damned fast your head will spin. I'll make sure you never work for another pit crew as long as you live. You understand what I’m saying son?” said Ryan as he stood in front of me, his chest puffed out trying to intimidate me.

“Yes sir.” I replied, my southern upbringing overriding my need to make sure that he knew I wasn't scared of him. If it had been anyone else besides my boss or Brinleigh’s uncle, I probably would have laid him out to prove a point. But because I needed this job and he was my boss, I didn't do what I wanted to do. 

“Good.” said Ryan as he turned to walk away. “Brinleigh, I’ll see you at the race tomorrow.” 

“You bet you will, Uncle Ryan.” she said walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. I saw that she was talking but I couldn't hear what she was saying. 

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