Good4u x TayNew

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"What was that Hin?"

Tay asked after he grabbed New's arm to stop him from walking away. Being pissed was an understatement. New just announced during their private meeting with the bosses that he no longer wanted to be involved with Tay in any of his future projects. When Tay was demanding for a valid reason, New just said that he got tired and really didn't want to associate his name with Tay's anymore. Tay eagerly followed him outside the meeting room when the latter decided to walk away instead of explaining things further to him.

"Didn't you hear what I said, Te? I'm tired of this! Being with you was exhausting!"

New said with a blank expression.

"You don't mean that"

Tay said like he was convincing New and himself. This was far from what he expected to happen. He thought that the meeting would be for the final planning of Polca The Journey, a virtual concert gift for their fans, but everything happened differently. He was beyond surprise and hurt at the same time.

New rolled his eyes, a sign that he's getting tired of the conversation, Tay knew him too well to know that. New closed his eyes as he tried to think of the best words he needed to spit out for the man in front of him to understand what he really wanted. He took a deep breath before placing his hand on top of Tay's which is still on his arm, and removed it.

"Tay, we are not the same men we were before. I guess it's time to finally live our lives without the shadow of each other's name. We need to grow separately"

"Are you that exhausted to be paired with me?"

Tay asked. The pain he's feeling is evident in his voice but New didn't show any remorse on him. New preferred not to answer and just looked away, a smirk of sarcasm evident on his face. He really wanted this then, Tay thought.

"Fine. If this is what you really want, I'll give this to you"

Were Tay's final words before leaving New on the hallway, never looking back.

That was the last time they met each other to talk, one and a half months ago. GMM didn't make an announcement about the sudden separation of the on-screen couple, but they already informed the public a month ago that Polca the Journey was canceled. The fans sent them never-ending questions to know the reason behind it but GMM never released another statement about the matter again aside from the initial information given that the two will be having a packed separate schedule.

New just signed a side contract with CJ Entertainment and already has two Korean drama adaptations lined up for him that he needs to finish shooting before the year ends. As usual, fans often saw him on his manager's IG stories, busy and booked, as the actor rarely updates his social media account. If he ever does, it was definitely work related. He looked fine and visibly glowing but decided to become more private than ever.

Tay on the other hand pursued hosting which he loves the most among all the roles he has to play. He doesn't hate acting but in all honesty, he only finds him doing it best when he's with the person he's very comfortable to work with, with which has a name he wanted to hide in the farthest place of his memory, so he stopped accepting acting roles for now.

Tay didn't accept New's decision lightly. He was hurt and felt really dejected. New and him fought more often, but he never thought that a day would come when New finally decided to live without him. Everything was fine until that day and up 'till now, he couldn't understand why all of a sudden, New wanted his way out of their world. Aside from being on-screen partners, they were best friends and closer than anyone else. They were each other's back and a shoulder to cry on when they needed people around them the most. They were happy, or was it just Tay?

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