1 step forward, 3 steps back x TayNew

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"You looked upset, New"

P'Jack commented when he heard me click my tongue for the nth time, after throwing my phone beside me on the couch. Well, who would not be? It's been two days and Tay still chose to ignore my messages! He even rejected all my call attempts, five times! I don't even have any single idea what's the issue this time. We were doing just fine until we're not.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Tay's not talking to me"

I answered truthfully, pouting. He sighed after finding out that he was right after all. P'Jack was aware that Tay was the only reason why I usually get upset most of the time, so I don't see the need to hide the truth from him.

"Did you do something wrong?"

"I don't know? I mean— I did nothing wrong! I am sure about that, but he kept ignoring my messages and even rejected my calls! I'm getting worried and mad at the same time, P! He is not even reading them! Urgh!"

I exclaimed, frustratedly, while pouting like a child who wasn't able to get what he wanted.

"You two will work together tomorrow for school rangers, take that as a chance to talk to him instead"

"As if I have any other choice than that. I can't even go to his place, he'll definitely won't let me in. Anyway, I'll take my leave now P"

I said while reaching for my phone and bag. P'Jack just nodded as an acknowledgement and told me to take care before I leave.

I lied that night, I still found myself in the parking lot of Tay's condo. I know I said I won't be there but I couldn't help it! I needed to know what's happening with him but at the last minute, I backed out. I don't know why Tay would act this way now. I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong. We were fine last Monday. We even talked on the phone and ended it well. He's stressing me out!

"Fuck, Tawan! What the hell is wrong with you!?"

I said as I frustratedly held the steering wheel, while driving back home.

"I'll definitely find that out tomorrow"

Forcing him to talk to me now may lead to more misunderstandings. I will respect his space for now, but we will deal with this tomorrow by hook or by crook!


"Good morning, New!"

Off greeted me and I responded with a smile as I sat beside him on the couch. I looked around the room and saw that it's just Off and I was in there. Where the hell is Tawan? He's always an hour early during call times and it's less than 30 minutes before we start shooting now and he's still not here.

"Have you seen Tay?"

I asked Off and he gave me a suspicious look before pulling me into a surprise hug which caught me off-guard, but decided not to make it a big deal. Tay's issue and his annoying attitude are keeping me occupied.

"Hey, let me go!"

I said as I lightly tapped Off's arm. The door then suddenly opened, revealing the rest of our co-hosts including the man I've been wanting to see! Finally!

Off finally decided to release me as he greeted them, including the love of his life, Gun, and I did the same as I gave each one of them a sweet smile including Tawan, who surprisingly just shrugged me off? The jerk didn't even smile back, but instead rolled his eyes on me! What the hell? He never did that before!

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