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We head to Team RWBY's dorm room in Beacon where we see all of Team RWBY sound asleep on their beds, except for one member as usual. Y/N was currently walking to the area out in front of Beacon where Jack was waiting for him.

Y/N:Hey Jack...what's up?

Jack:Nothing much, just....feeling anxious

Y/N:Why? There's nothing really much to be worried about. Ghidorah isn't that much of one right now it be honest, Rodan and Mothra are now with us, and Nozuki and Leviathan aren't doing anything hostile since they're under our command.

Jack:It's not see something happened when I was mapping out Menagerie.


Kong was currently right next to the Vacuo, trying to figure out the direction to the Menagerie based on the position of Camazotz and judging where Menagerie is off of that. He was stuck in thought wondering when Anguirus was found running towards him.

Kong(K/L):Oh hello Anguirus how are you now?

Anguirus(K/L):Not good at all.I need to show you something, it's something you and Dagon should know.


Anguirus(K/L):Yeah! He beat Rodan back in Vacuo, how could you forget he was right next to you?

Kong(K/L):Ah see that's where you're wrong. That's one of Dagon's kind, but that's not him. Dagon's been dead for a long time. That individual you saw with me earlier back up in Vacuo we call Godzilla, the last individual of Dagon's kind.

Anguirus(K/L): How was he so friendly to you? Didn't your species have a huge war back then?

Kong's face went into a thoughtful expression. He had to think of a reason that was valid and not expose their secret yet.

Kong(K/L):Pretty sure that the lazy guy slept with me through it all. That and he never really cared about the war.I was never exposed to it since my parents never really showed me what it was although they did give me this to protect myself (points to his axe). We both ran into each other and almost started fighting, but then realized we don't give a crap about the war and became friends. We both went dormant right before the genocide so we survived it. We just woke up about a couple weeks ago and since we couldn't sense any more of our species, we came to the conclusion that we're the last of our kind.

Anguirus(K/L):I'm.... sorry for your loss. What should I call you then?

Kong(K/L):Just call me Kong, King Kong sounds a bit weird right now.

Anguirus(K/L):Well Kong, about the genocide..... a MUTO is back.

Kong's eyes widened at the mention of the thing that massacred his best friend's species.

Kong(K/L):Which means there's more awake as well......Do you know what gender it is?

Anguirus(K/L):Couldn't really see anything, but I'll assume female since it went down into the Hollow Earth and is down here somewhere while males would just fly on the surface and only enter the Hollow Earth only if absolutely necessary.

Kong(K/L):Thanks for the information Anguirus, do you want to help me map out Menagerie?

Anguirus(K/L):Sure I don't see why not, most big threats to the desert are gone anyway and the huntsmen over in Shade should keep the grimm problems to a minimum.

Kong(K/L):Alright then.

There was a HEAV nearby that listened to all of the conversation, but understood nothing, containing Glynda and Team JNPR.

Remnant's new rulers(Godzilla reader x RWBY)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now